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CD: 15 RON
Charnel Valley - "The Igneous Race"
Black Metal, 2007
1. Blackfist
2. January
3. Gray Twilight: A Traitor's Redemption
4. Endless War On The Bridge Between Worlds
5. Carry Their Bodies To The Horizon
6. The Wretched Ones
7. Brigand
Hangöver - "Under the Shitfluence"
Black'n'Roll, 2006
1. I Kill Everything I Fuck
2. Die When You Die
3. Bite It You Scum
4. Suck My Ass It Smells
5. Son Of Evil
6. Highest Power
CD-R (Pro-done): 7,5 RON
Bardoseneticcube - "Saturn Wind"
Industrial/Ambient, 2006
7 tracks, untitled.
Bestia - "Hallutsinatioon"
Black/Death Metal, 2004
1. Hallutsinatsioon
2. Viirastus Tőusvas Tules
3. Libahunt
4. Sosin
5. Kord Vabana Tuleme Tagasi
6. Toonela Varjud
7. Kolmas Haud Vasakult
8. Päev Et Mőista
9. Ruunide Leidmine
10. Suremise Teine Tee
11. Asynchronous Laughter
Fogland - "Znaman"
Pagan Black Metal/Ambient, 2002
1. Ruf Defendirui Hertegotum
2. Vapenul Nostru
3. Znaman
4. Astrucat De Colbul Stelelor
5. Morminți
6. Prin Timpuri De Legendă
7. Doar Lupii
Glaukom Synod - "Androjungleous"
Industrial/Noise, 2006
1. Cumult
2. Androjungleous
3. Propulse (Transcend 2)
4. Oestropathologia
5. Androjungleous (The Cave Mix)
6. Abstinence And Enucleation
7. Genome Cancroďde (Hydrolicism X27)
8. Poboznosc
9. Centrifugal Dominator
(Remix Of Groundzero Deathtrap)
10. Visual Hallucination (Remix Of Dysphemic)
11. Hydrocephalizer
Glaukom Synod - "Ogre"
Industrial/Noise, 2007
1. Passive Retro
2. Translute Jugulate Iniquit (XXVII)
3. Trephination And Ruminance
(The Iron Tongue Part 2. Swallowing Infinite)
4. Triangle Obscene (Obesism 23)
5. Gangrene Control (Floods Of Repugnance)
6. Totalitarian Nuclear Warlust
7. Multiplex Of Affliction
8. Vulvotronic Dominator
9. Pustular Eyesocket Nervotomy
10. Sci-fix It
11. Ultrablasting Zaxxonized Paroxysm
12. Cemeterial Sexchanging Dementia (Decapitate)
13. Intragenitose
14. Gutturalia (Outro)
Mare Frigoris - "The Odyssey"
Black Metal/Folk Rock, 2007
1. The Voyage
2. Land Of Frost
3. Land Of The Black Sun Pt. I
4. Land Of The Black Sun Pt. II
5. In Thy Village
6. Aurora Borealis
7. Seagrave
8. A Bid Farewell (Outro)
V.A. - Hauatagused Karjed Vol. 2
Estonian Extreme Metal Compilation, 2005
1. Human Ground - "It Grows Deep"
2. Symbolic State - "Cold District In The Hollows"
3. Vari - "Manalateel"
4. Loits - "Valge Nägu (Live)"
5. Urt - "Vőitle Vői Pőgene"
6. Necro Strike - "Eufooria (Live)"
7. Spellbinder - "Suicide Note"
8. Raud-Ants - "Karjasepõli"
9. Devotus Regnum - "Tunnel To Life"
10. Leek - "Suicide"
11. Kamaloka - "Brutal Accident"
12. Winter Night Overture -
"World Of Souls Of Blackhearts"
13. Bestia - "Suremise Teine Tee"
14. Moonlight Descends -
"In The Halls Of Ancient Castle"
15. Surrogoat - "Rise From Below"
16. GAS - "Fecalchrist"
17. Catafalc - "I Come. Blood On My Hands"
18. Must Missa - "Kőnge Tuhaks"
19. D.N.R. - "Defiance To Aziel"
20. Postmortem - "Lost Love"
V.A. - Noise Decay - Noises And Such From Denmark
Noise/Experimental, 2006
1. Polarforsker - "Vast"
2. B3nny - "Gowun"
3. Kapitalen Klash -
"Amputation Vronic (Special Compilation Mix)"
4. Respirator - "Last Effort"
5. Noianiz - "Kvadratisk Kaos Symmetri"
6. Prafix Aztech - "Noisetracker 2"
7. Bobby Blitzkrieg - "Epicenter (Neromix)"
8. Rebel Inc - "Stolen"
9. Dark Vibes - "Dead Guitar Fever"
10. Nxfxtxex - "180804 0251 0253"
11. Køns - "Chisel"
12. Nand - "N Part 1"
13. Ellis One -
"Fan That Shuttered Panama Part II (Live)"
14. Impael Ophir - "Helhesten Intro (KingSizeFilter)"
15. Wäldchengarten - "Lies Got You Into This Mess,
But Lies Won't Get You Out!"
16. Hentai - "The Art Of Control"
Twilight Is Mine - "When The Twilight Covers The World"
Black Metal, 2004
1. Intro
2. When The Twilight Covers The World
3. Antihuman
4. Hail, Ragnarok!
5. Evil Is My Lifeforce
6. To You, O Forest
7. The Triumph
8. Backwoods Dreams
9. Колыбельня В Бурю (The Lullaby In Storm)
The Evil Version of P. Tchaikovsky
Tapes: 5 RON
Argus - "Obscur Și Etern"
Black Metal, 2001
1. La Poarta Iadului
2. Iarna Neagră
3. Mă Întreb În Fiecare Noapte...
4. Evocând Lumina Lunii
5. Obsedat De Fantasmele Trecutului
6. Obscur Și Etern
7. Sub Mantia Nopții
Carcharoth - "My Father Was A Wolf"
Black Metal, 2004
1. My Father Was A Wolf
2. The Forest Of Winter Fog
3. Immortal Spirit Of Darkness
Ekasia - "Midwinter Ricketiness"
Industrial/Noise, 2005
1. I Am Your Blood
2. Deamons
3. Silent Machines
4. Lunar Sadism
5. The Brick That Stands
6. My Dark Season
7. Labyrinth Into Black
Fogland - "Enuma Elish"
Pagan/Ambient, 2004
1. Faust
2. Ismeju, King Of The Plains
3. De Imortalis Animae
4. În Liniște Adâncă...
5. Nebeluth/Nehil
Forestdome - "Mourningrim"
Black Metal, 2005
1. Intro (Fullmoon Raventhrone)
2. On The Mounds Of Hate
3. Mystic Forest Of The Falling Fog
4. Those Of The Twilight Realm
5. Between The Frost And Fire
6. Whispers From The Wind
Geimhre - "Cogadh"
Black Metal, 2004
1. Cogadh
2. Crushing Zion
3. Knelt Before A Lesser God
4. Demongrelization Machine
5. For Nationalism And Heritage
6. Fuileachd
Gevurahel - "Enlace"
Black Metal, 2005
1. I
2. II
3. III
4. IV
5. V
Lucifugum - "Vector 333"
Black Metal, 2005
1. Силой Слепого Сечения
2. Брезги Плебсожизни
3. Кистью Червистрайсти
4. Молитвонь
5. Проклятье Чёрного Начала
6. Black Metal Must Be...!!!
Lutomysl - "Catharsis"
Black Metal, 2006
1. Prologue
2. Jet Black Metal Art
3. As A Gleam Of The Morning Star...
4. Away!
5. To Realize And Overcome!
6. Under Morning Star As A Bloody Dew...
7. Catharsis/Epilogue
Moloch - "Blacker Than Darkness"
Black Metal/Ambient, 2004
1. Silent In The Pity... (Intro)
2. Through Halo Of Fire-Brands
3. Through Halo Of Fire-Brands
(Without Pain And Pity...)
4. Cold Shadows Of Lost Woods
5. Birth In The Depths Of Blackness
6. On The Ground, By Blood... (Outro)
Riddle Of Meander - "End Of All Life And Creation"
Black Metal, 2006
1. Immortal Hate
2. Maze Of The Pentagram
3. Cursed Are The Weak
4. Path Of Desecration
5. Raging Abyss
6. When The Fog Veils...
7. Mass Murder
8. Spirit Of Sorrow
9. Conquering Night Wind
10. Superior Black Flame
Slugathor - "Circle Of Death"
Black Metal, 2006
1. Cycle Of Destruction
2. Slow And Painful Death
3. Bestial Chaos
4. Crypt Of The Dead
5. Journey Into Oblivion
6. Final Ceremony
7. Temple Of Shadows (Apocalyptic Visions)
8. Legions Of The Undead
Solgrav - "Auringon Hauta"
Black/Pagan Metal, 2006
1. Synnyn Liekki
2. Maa Aamunsa Kajossa
3. Noitakansa
4. Hetki Ennen
5. Auringon Hauta
6. Hourejumala
7. Lopun Alku
8. Kuolleen Maan Lapsia
9. Kuun Varjossa Kuollut Maa
T.O.M.B. - "Sacrilegium"
Satanic Ritual Black Noise, 2005
1. Summoning Apparitions of Unrest
2. IO
3. Pure Necro Power
4. Between Host
5. Sacrilegium
6. Forbidden Calls Of Invoking Poltergeists
7. Global Irreverence
8. Divine Piece Of Shit
9. Unholy Utulo
V.A. - Oupiric Frenzy
Death Metal, 2010
1. Crypthowl - "Hanged Amidst The Graves"
2. Dysanchely - "Song Of Sorrow"
3. Gothic Sky - "Believe In Death...Now Forever"
4. Festerguts - "On The Bloodsoaked Bridal Bed"
5. Sieged Mind - "Lost Life"
6. Denial Of God - "Robbing The Grave Of The Priest"