Arcana Noctis: Recently you had been issued a new album called "Welcome Io Insanitarium". Did you satisfy with a result that you got and as for your opinion, does second album could demonstrate band's evolution in comparision with debut one?
Rob: The ultimate goal for Agankast is to create a great Heavy Metal band. For me a great Heavy Metal band is old school and because I was out of the Metal scene for so long, I went back to the past for inspiration and those are bands like Priest, Maiden, DIO, Rush, Ozzy and of course the Thrash and speed stuff that once in your blood never leaves you. I am pleased with our first CD "Dance Of The Dead", and our ten free songs on our website... However I felt I could get things more authentic Heavy Metal so together with Allan, Agankast's singer and other songwriter, we both decided to try and get things real old school so our second CD "Welcome to Insanitarium" is pure Heavy Metal..........
Arcana Noctis: If we shall explore "Welcome To Insanitarium", it's possibly to determine that new album have less Thrash onslaught and harshness, new songs and sound have much N.W.O.B.H.M. roots and sounds much measured and melodic. Rob, tell, which direction Agankast goes in, and how new songs will be sound, if it's not a secret?
Rob: When I was putting together the band I decided it would have to be a young band, not that there is anything wrong with an older band but I have a vision with Agankast that it is a legacy that could continue for decades wether or not the band makes it big or not. I wanted the band to at least become a massive underground machine and this takes time of course, something which us older guys don't have but young people that was the plan. Instantly I got a big break meeting Allan because as far as musical direction goes, and vision and ideas, we are completely of the same mould. Straight away it was Allan who was pure 100% Heavy Metal.... I wanted to write a more modern sound....whatever that is? But Allan and the other guys insisted we should be pure old school. In fact the guys know more about 80s Heavy Metal than I ever did. So I was encouraged and still am to write Metal in the old style, which is fine by me as long as I can keep coming up with songs like "Suffocator" and "Reign Of Terror" etc. Also on the point of songwriting... for instance Allan's song "Before The Storm" which he wrote himself, that is a typical example of Agankast's sound.... That's what Allan writes, pure Heavy Metal............. And he has loads of songs, he is only got one on the new album because I had already written about 30 LOL... but more of Allan's material will appear in Agankast... I'm curious for one...I reckon he has a few classics up his sleeve. And coupled with my own songwriting the potential Agankast have are many, many options.
Arcana Noctis: Allan, question for you. Your voice is harsh, aggressive and ruthlessly, in the best traditions of mad thrashers. Did you get such a voice just because it happened in the process of trainings or you had an aim to sounds like someone from famous and cult bands and tried to draw near own voice to them?
Allan: I suppose the biggest influence on me has been James Hetfield but I didn't intentionally set out to sound like anyone. I appreciate singers with a unique sounding voice such as Peter Dolving from The Haunted, Phil Anselmo from Pantera and obviously Hetfield! It has taken about 2-3 years to get my voice to this stage and it was quite painful in the early days but it's been worth it.
Arcana Noctis: Mercyful Fate and all the heritage of great King are still very popular amongst metalheads and even newcomers despite of a fact that the time of Heavy Metal has passed out and now it's something like bohemia. But King could break this stereotype with his music. How do you yourself appreciate his inheritance and how can you explain his strong popularity?
Ciaran: I don't understand this question at all ....what is Mercyful Fate...sorry...
Rob: Ha-ha-ha... Well, he is a bit before your time
Ciaran: ...LOL.... I remember being on the tour bus somewhere in Europe with Atomkraft in the 80s... We were parked outside a venue and we, Atomkraft and a couple of Venom's people were all getting drunk and stoned as you do...... one of the roadies said King Diamond and James Hetfield are coming to the bus to say hello, I thought yeah cool..... They came to the door all smiles, and then a fellow band buddie who shall remain nameless decided it would be a good idea to get abusive with them and started shouting at them to fuck off faggots.....You know the usual bullshite.... Obviously they did fuck off very quickly... almost running...LOL..... But afterwards I thought that was a bit shite it would have been good to talk to those guys. But well at the end of the day, Atomkraft on tour was a fucking mad experience anyway. The bus driver we had on that tour, left half way through, just walked away...leaving Atomkraft and the bus in the middle of nowhere..... his parting words were: "I've just come off a tour driving for Motley Crue in the States, that was bad...... but you fuckers are insane". And as for King Diamond himself, well if you create quality and you stand by your guns then people will always respect you for that..... Let's face it the guys probably skint, they all are ... but he is got his cult following and that's probably what he is happy with.
Arcana Noctis: Everything around this world is coming back, early or lately. Death Metal died when the wind of burning churches came from barbaric landscapes of Norway. The world got Black Metal. But everything, which started to get a mass recognition, are doomed on degeneration. Soon Black Metal became a trend with different influences and people started to dig out old bands without modern snots.![](content/interviews/agankast_1.jpg)
Rob: It is true, it came full circle and that's cool... but Christ it makes me feel old....I'm now a veteran at the age of 38 and the other guys are all young ....."Ciaran the guitarist" is himself only 19.... I was talking to Ciaran on the phone yesterday and I heard a woman's voice in the background, I said who is that, Ciaran??? And he said it was the women who lives next door... so I asked him if he had done sexy things to her yet? And he replied... "Fucking hell Rob that's sick, she is almost 45 years old".
Arcana Noctis: Will that great time of Heavy/Thrash Metal return or disappear in dusty time, what do you mean, Rob?>
Rob: No it will never return not in the way it was... and that is all genres of music and all youth uprisings.... why? Internet for one..... In the 80s you had music and that was it, no internet, no cheap flights around the world.....etc, etc........ we had music and the music was Heavy Metal... that was it. I do think though that now there is a resurgence for quality Metal music, people laughed at Metal for a long time hairspray, stadium Rock.... etc ......... so Metal went all tough guy in the 1990s as it is today. Metal has become a statement to say look at how tough I am..... But the music itself is shite. A million shite bands acting tough. Metal was never about that anyway... Metal was always about getting laid, having a good time and writing some killer tunes. This is what I think is happening now. Kids just now want to have that old school vibe again and I don't blame them with all the shite that's going on in the world... acting tough is sooo Also if you are a guy then you work out pretty quick that all the girls like a bit of a dance..... and if the music is good to dance to???????? ....If you are in the band or at the gigs then chances are way better than some sweaty night out with all the headcases jumping on top of each other. I see some of the kids now dressed like the 80s and it looks cool.... so I reckon old school is here to stay I reckon a good ten years of it...... before its all change again. But Agankast I believe will flow and change like all good bands do..... that's the challenge of it all.
Arcana Noctis: Which age's auditory, on your opinion, are the listeners of Agankast? Are they old maniacs or you hope bring your music to new generation?
Ciaran: I reckon most of the people who listen to our stuff are fairly young, like in their late teens/twenties, we have a pretty modern edge so it might not be as desirable as proper old school Heavy Metal to the older generations.
Arcana Noctis: Men, songs from both Agankast albums are free for download on band's site. Don't you afraid people will prefer just got your music for free and gives a care about buying a real CD, don't you?
Ciaran: Not really, just as long as people hear our music and know what we're about... We just want people to hear us.
Arcana Noctis: Rob, you left Atomkraft in 1989. And if I'm not wrong, you decided to form own project Agankast only in 2005... But what did you do during such huge gap of time as a musician?
Rob: In 1989 I was 19 years of age I had just spent nearly four years in Atomkraft, I was skint, an alcoholic, a sex addict and a chain smoker...... oh yeah and anorexic............. I left Atomkraft and not much later Atomkraft all went their separate ways. The 80s was coming to an end and there was a smell of Grunge in the air.............the 1990s was no place for Heavy Metal. For me I did not care because I was exploring different forms of music like Indie Rock, Goth, Folk, 60s old school...etc, etc... Always wanting to challenge myself as a songwriter, so much so that I have 2000 songs written and recorded in one form or the other. Yes that is a lot I know LOL......When I was a kid learning guitar my dad said "always record everything you write" I did. Now the guys in Agankast know of some of this material and they really like it... especially some of my Folk work which they want to re-record as Metal tracks. So Agankast could be around for many After leaving Atomkraft I returned to art college, then onto university all the time in different bands..... in the mid 90s I went travelling...... to me writing songs is about being taken somewhere else you can lose yourself in music..... but I also like to lose myself in reality too. For a time, the travelling became the new Rock'n'Roll for me and if I'm honest it still is. It's all about freedom at the end of the day.... if you don't feel free in your life then you may want to do something about that. I returned to the U.K. to live in 2003 after spending two years in a wigwam in Canada. But that's another story.
Arcana Noctis: OK, clear. So, may you tell us a bit about your future plans? Will Agankast going to devastate European clubs and take a part throughout different festivals? I know you had a huge experience on that way, when Atomkraft existed and maybe new formed band will take the same direction...
Rob: Any direction will We can try our best to get out there in Europe people are getting to hear Agankast and everyone is saying why aren't you guys signed??, well we really need to get a decent label or management deal with people who are expert in their field.... That's what we are aiming for. King Diamond for example tours very much and that's where Agankast need to be, out on the road if they are to succeed. We know, the fans know that this band could really do some big things given the right direction... the talent and songwriting is there, so this makes us more noticable than many. Maybe one more final big change is needed..... Maybe something I've got up my sleeve to help give this band the best chance I can. What would that be? A change for the best ??.....If this band stands any chance of succeeding in this tough industry.
Arcana Noctis: As for my personal opinion, any music should have a message and be created not only music's sake. True musician is a creator, he do this not only for stay rockin', getting famous, money and hedonistic things like that, musician, first of all, have a protest and want to say something through he do the best. Which things you wanted to impress?
Rob: For me music is just another arm of what I do creatively. I do many creative things in my life.... It's the challenge that gets me going. I have created things that have totally gone over people heads.... Is that being too original? ...people are strange if you are too original they don't get it.... It's beyond them and they assume it must be shite. Look at poor Vincent Van Gogh, and yet Picasso never had any problems. If say for example I decided tomorrow to become a rocket builder, I guarantee I would build a fucking great rocket and it would work too. It would however take up all of my time and I would have to give up music................. I am pleased with the 30 something songs that have been created for Agankast so far, and if they are not worthy of getting a record deal for this band?? then I hold my hands up and say... "I give it my best shot". But Agankast need to gig, which they will, if the band's good enough then a few festivals and regular shows over the next two years should work for the band.... If not and no offers have came in then what? Another two years? I would not be surprised in the slightest if this happened, because there has been a reason why I have not been involved in the music scene for so long.
Arcana Noctis: Let's talk about non-musical theme. "Braveheart" is my favourite cinema from all of such genre I have ever had seen... Do Scotsmen remember own great cultural inheritance or everything getting "Americanized", as everywhere?
Ciaran: As a Scotsman, I can say on behalf of everyone in the country that we are very proud of our cultural heritage; it is something that will never change. I must also agree with you on Braveheart, it is an excellent film despite it being slightly inaccurate and having a partially non-Scottish cast.
Allan: I am very proud to be Scottish and I am very patriotic! I think this country has a fantastic history and heritage and I don't think this americanisation has really gotten to us! Most Scots are very patriotic and are very proud of this country.
Arcana Noctis: Scotland is well-known for its strong resistance and a wish to be independent. But yours folk had suffered so much... a law for the first night which English landlords had used, forgotten primordial Scottish Gaelic... And even nowadays, Scotland depends from England immensely. Tell your opinions regarding all this.
Rob: In England the most northern city is Newcastle it is very near to the Scottish border..... This is where I am from, so technically I am English and it is the other guys who are Scottish. However I believe that I am a Scotsman. It is not uncommon for people in Newcastle to say they are Scottish, however most would say they are English but they say that because they are dumb... lol. Like all across the world borders have moved around and at this present time if you are on that side of the border then your English and visa versa for Scottish. But all I can say is what I feel in my heart and that's Scottish. I have been up and down Britain many times and I find I have absolutely nothing in common with the English south of Newcastle, and yet I am at ease and comfortable with any Scots... and in fact if you are from Newcastle and you are in Scotland as soon as they hear my Newcaslte accent they all say "you are a Scotsman and never forget it".... lol. So I guess they are right. I've wrote a song which will appear in the future and its called "My English Heart, Bleeds Scottish Blood" and that sums it up for me. As for the English dominating the Scots yes that's true and it still happens today..... The English are heading north into Scotland with all of their money and house prices are going up..... There is much I can say on this subject........ But really the English were hated by the Scotts before.... But now they are really, really hated in fact the English now hate the English...... the UK is so fucked up now..... 100% fucked up............It's now a toilet that everyone comes and shits in. That is in fact what the new album's about "Welcome To Insanitarium" .... or welcome to the shithouse... Take a dump.
Arcana Noctis: What do you know about Russia, CIS states (ex. U.S.S.R. countries) and scene from there? Did you listen to our bands?
Rob: We feel fascinated by Russia here in Europe we know the people are great people they been through a lot... I suppose truthfully there is a feeling of fear too, Russia is the unknown.... Is it safe there? Will we be arrested by the KJB... or is it KGB .................... But you guys are growing up with a view on the world that we have..... the KGB etc... Is as alien to you guys as it is to us. You are also discovering great music... and is it any coincidence that the music you guys like most is good old fashioned Heavy Metal.....and why... "because its just better" sounds less American and has a more European sound... as does all classic Metal from the 80s and that includes many American bands too. Whatever happens in the future I hope Russian metalers stay true to great music. Let the others follow music trends... fuck them... Let's see Russia make a stand and stand for great music plain and simple. I would love for Agankast to get to Russia. I reckon we would go down a storm over there...
Allan: ....?????? I can't say I've ever heard a Russian band and I don't know much about the U.S.S.R.!
Rob: Fucking hell, Allan its not the U.S.S.R. now man it's just, but can't you see everybody... this band is proper old and as far as the Russian scene goes I reckon it's important that Europe discovers soon about Russian Metal because I reckon very soon there will be many great Russian Heavy Metal bands emerging. And proper old school I believe, not trendy bollocks that stagnates Europe and the U.S.A. as does today.
Arcana Noctis: What you shall do first of all, if appear in our states?
Ciaran: Hit the pub, sample some Russian beer, strum the guitar and mingle with the locals.
Rob: Find the nearest McDonalds and burn the fucker to the ground.
Arcana Noctis: Demise... What do you think about this? Is there a life after death or just nothing for yours opinion?
Rob: If there is life after death then unless your religious which I'm not.... then your not going to know what the life is when you die. You may be a cockroache wandering in eternity..... So in that case enjoy yourself now. If on the other hand you just die, and that's it... then you better start enjoying yourself pretty quick now. I suggest doing whatever it is you like doing and doing it as often as you can.... that's the best I can say....... obviously by that I mean ....."Fuck juicey booty doggy style all night long".
Arcana Noctis: So, thank you, men, for interview! Is there anything that you wish to say in the end?
Rob: We all wish our friends out there in Russia Good Health and we hope we will get the opportunity to get out there someday very soon...... In the 1980s it seemed that a Heavy Metal band to tour in Russia would never happen... maybe 100 years at least but now only 20 years later that is easily possible.... to make new friends in Russia is a great new way and its such a big country. But protect your own culture too..... And don't like the western way to much... because its already on the decline...and on that happy note....
All the best....
from Agankast.