Arcana Noctis: Hello there, a new album is out by some months, which are the differences between this album and your previous one?
Loits: There's three years between the albums "Ei Kahetse Midagi" and "Vere Kutse Kohustab". It'd be a bit strange if a band didn't evolve during that time (we're not talking about Motörhead here are we?) :))
The new Loits album differs from the old one by it's message as well as the music. Those who have kept an eye on us and own the 7" EP trilogy, realize that nevertheless one is a sequel to the other. When the theme of "Ei Kahetse Midagi" was slightly mystical and esoteric, telling of distant events in the history of Estonia then "Vere Kutse Kohustab" is dedicated to the events of World War 2 here in Estonia. When "Ei Kahetse Midagi" was relatively pure Pagan/Black Metal then on our new album another dimension has been added and that's Rock'n'Roll!
Arcana Noctis: Please translate the name of the album "Ei Kahetse Kohustab" into English and talk a bit about the songs that you think are representing Loits the most at this moment.
Loits: "Regret nothing" is a slogan that describes Loits very well. Dare to make deeds and take responsibility for them. In the today's globalizing world there's less and less strength of will, self-determination and courage to stand up for one's beliefs. It's clearly visible that the more time progresses the worse characteristics those are considered. Despite numerous setbacks Loits stands firmly on it's chosen path and regrets nothing for we know we are on the right track.
Arcana Noctis: You've choose to use your mother's language in your lyrics, why that and not English, do you think that the use of English language can be inappropriate for your message?
Loits: Not exactly inappropriate but it's just easier and better to sing about such things in Estonian. In Estonian the message of Loits sounds many times more convincing although sometimes it's a pity that no one but Estonians can understand the lyrics during concerts.
Arcana Noctis: You are keen to Second World War stories, also the image that you want to promote with your band is inspired by those days, why that?
Loits: Life itself inspires us and a hurt sense of justice forces us to speak. There's a saying that a war only ends when a new one comes, and that's the case. For many, the Second World War is still not over. When I was younger they pushed upon us day by day the version of history distorted by the victors. The older I got, the clearer it became that the story had a lot of white spots. When I first heard that Estonian men fought the Soviet Union in German uniforms, a lot of questions came to my mind. In time it became clear what a horrible lie they were telling us for truth. A subconscious grudge against the occupants grew in me by each day and so grew the sympathy for the men to whom no loss was great enough in the fight for Estonia's freedom.
Meanwhile the political system here has changed. We are no longer occupied by the Soviet Russia and we are a part of a big happy family of democratic nations. In reality nothing's changed from the point of view of historical interpretation and freedom of speech. Brain washing has been done everywhere for 60 years and today democracy is merely an empty word not a real political system.
Arcana Noctis: Through your music you show honor to the "Eesti" legionnaires, please talk a bit about this topic, the legionnaires and the importance that their fight under the National Socialistic Germany's wing has to the independence of Estonia.![](content/interviews/loits_1.jpg)
Loits: To avoid that question we imprinted an explanative text by a World War 2 veteran Henrik Arro to the pages of our album and it goes as follows:
"Estonians have been blamed for fighting on the German side during the WWII - at the time, when all the democratic countries were against Germany. In order to explain the situation of Estonians to outsiders, we must discuss of the historic background of events. Before the war, the dominating spirit in Estonia was English-friendly, as Brits had forcefully contributed to the dawning of Estonia's independence and preserved good relations with Estonia also afterwards. At the time, Estonians regarded Germans as enemies, as the nation had not forgot the centuries-old oppression and humiliation of Estonian people by the German landlords. The violence and terror, arrests and the June deportation in 1941 that followed the Soviet occupation made it quickly clear that the biggest menace for the existence of Estonian nation is Russian communism. A hope for the assistance of Great Britain and France in preserving the nation and statehood of Estonia collapsed. Both countries had become the friends and allies of the Soviet Union.
When the war broke out between Soviet Union and Germany, most Estonians reckoned Germany as their imminent ally against the arrival of mortal danger from the east. Centuries-old hostility receded into the background. The fact that Estonians had to defend their fatherland in the uniforms of German soldiers was due to a historic necessity. But at the frontline, Estonian soldier fought in the name of independent Estonia, wearing a coat of arms in his national colors: blue, black and white." - Hendrik Arro, veteran of the 11th group of nightly bombers.
I can only add that taking into account these facts, the Baltic legions were not deemed criminal at the Nürnberg trial.
Arcana Noctis: In the review of "Ei Kahetse Midagi" I've said that you're playing NSBM and you've disagreed. Please show me the differences between your type of ideology and the one that NSBM bands have.
Loits: We are nationalists, and naturally any person who cares about the future of his nation must know something about politics and be up-to-date with actual topics. That doesn't automatically make us national socialists. Besides Loits doesn't do direct political propaganda but rather speaks of national-romantic and historical themes. We are concerned about the fate of our small Estonia and at times about that of the whole Europe but we do not speak of the preservation problems of the Aryan race or the triumph of it or of God knows what.
Arcana Noctis: You've participated on the Beverina tape compilation "Estnische Kriegskammaradenschaft" with a couple of songs, I think that those songs are not representative for your style. Why have you choose those, or were they choose because that tape compilation has an ideological background and those songs were the best fitting ones?
Loits: When reading the introduction on the compilation folder didn't you get the feeling that the entire thing is a bit Loits-like? The author of the compilation idea and the man behind the assembly process is answering to your interview right now and his best friend, the bassist of Loits, M. Divine wrote the conception. Anyways it was a big circle of friends that participated in this project. Thus we knew exactly what we were doing. Beverina only had to go through the trouble of releasing the tape. The Loits tracks were selected with the idea of them musically fitting on the compilation. The Loits song "Valge Nägu", that is also present on the compilation speaks of entirely different subjects than the overall conception of the compilation.
Arcana Noctis: Beverina released also a VCD-R with a concert of yours, do you play often live, how is the reaction to your music by the audience?
Loits: Loits has given altogether over 60 concerts, half of which in Estonia and half behind the border. Altogether we've performed in 11 different countries. More and more we hear the commentary that we sound better live than on the album and that makes us think what we've done wrong in the studio. Maybe such music just works better live than when captured on the silver disc.
At the moment we are planning another tour in Europe for autumn, thus you all will have a chance to see us with your own eye. I promise you won't regret it. Right now we're actively engaged in fulfilling a promise given a long time ago. The thing is we're assembling a compilation of various Loits concerts through times for the Black Metal DVD's company. Then you'll get a better picture of our progress.
Arcana Noctis: You've signed to Ledo Takas. How is your relationship with this great Lithuanian label?
Loits: Our relationships with the boss of Ledo Takas, Tadas are very good. Over time we've become very good friends. We always help each other out to the best we can and whenever we get a chance we raise glasses with him. I'll be going to Lithuania in the beginning of the next month to do business with Tadas and have a couple of beers with him at a festival called "Kilkim Zaibu".
Arcana Noctis: Which bands are inspiring you? Besides Black Metal do you listen to other genres too? I ask that because on the CD, there is a non-Black Metal track, the hidden one; do you play on that song too?
Loits: Listening to our records it's quite obvious what bands inspire us the most. Then again Black Metal is only a very small part of all the music we listen to. Folk, Punk, Rock, Synth Pop, Industrial and most Metal styles are among our common favourites. The important thing is that music is made well and with a soul. In the hidden track on "Vere Kutse Kohustab" the accordion is played by Margus Põldsepp from Untsakad and most of the vocals are sung by him as well. Backing vocals were sung by Loits members Karje, M.Divine and Atso. They were in turn supported by a good comrade of ours, Jaanus Koorep.
Arcana Noctis: Is this song a composition of yours or is a folkloric tune?
Loits: It's a traditional song of the Forest Brothers, that was of course strictly forbidden during the Soviet era, but was nevertheless sung secretly here everywhere. Most of the older Estonians know this song by heart.
Arcana Noctis: Will songs like the above mentioned one be on other Loits releases too?
Loits: There hasn't been such a song on our previous releases and you never know what the future holds but we've placed non-Black Metal songs on our albums before. When the synth track "Sinimäed 1944" on our "Ei Kahetse Midagi" album was quite expectacional then the Noise/Ambient track "Terasevanne" on our "Legion Estland" vinyl and the EBM remix of our song "Tuleristsed" on a vinyl of ours called "Raiugem Ruunideks" are sure to sow enough confusion and cause frustration. That's just what we need! :)
Arcana Noctis: I've mentioned the future... what do you think that the future will bring to the band Loits?
Loits: It's hard to predict anything but knowing the fact that Loits is a very ambitious band and we know what we're working for, then I'm pretty sure that we'll grow fast and you'll definitely hear more from us in the future.
Arcana Noctis: Any new recording plan?
Loits: At the moment we've taken a time out. We are giving a lot of concerts and doing hard promotion of the latest album but we haven't begun on practicing new songs yet. Our new album will definitely not be released within this year.
Arcana Noctis: I can see that in Estonia new "legions" rise, seems that you have a lot of good Black Metal bands in your country.
Loits: The overall quality of the Estonian scene is growing very rapidly. I'm personally closely connected to the whole thing and so I see every day what kind of a big leap one or another band has made. In case of Black Metal the situation's not as flowery because there are not too many bands around here playing pure Black Metal anymore and those who used to play that style have changed their style by now. Then again I'm looking forward to the new Manatark release with great interest. Those who want to get a clearer idea of the Estonian scene should definately visit the web page From there find bands such as Must Missa, Tharaphita, Horricane, Manatark, Metsatöll etc.
Arcana Noctis: Thanks for the patience in replying to my questions. I wish you good luck. Any ending words?
Loits: Thanks Cătălin for giving me a chance to talk about Loits again and thanks to all who have helped us with our strivings. Flak'n'Roll!