Kandaon - "Bria Getae"

Release date: 15.08.2007
Playing time: 71:59
"Bria Getae" is the first album by Kandaon and also the first full length release by Arcana Noctis.
The Romanian Black Metal scene is almost inexistent, besides Argus Megere and Negură Bunget, there is almost no band who ever released a full length. It may be that on a world wide scene a new obscure Black Metal album is not welcomed but on the Romanian scene it is a must. "Bria Getae" contains Raw Black Metal with some atmospheric parts.
Teratogen made the artwork again, using pictures of landscapes from Lipova
(jud. Arad/Romania) that were taken by my father and a drawing by ErikaH. for the front cover.

1. ...Dincolo De Păduri (Intro) (3:13)
2. Codru Întunecat (5:48)
3. Kandaon (4:42)
4. Bria Getae (4:20)
5. Chemarea Străbună (5:41)
6. ...În Liniștea Cetăților De Piatră (13:17)
7. În Neagra Uitare (5:28)
8. Glorie Eternă (6:24)
9. Invocând Pe Cei Căzuți (3:35)
10. În Umbra Celor Vechi (9:21)
11. Întoarcerea Lupilor (Outro) (2:56)
12. Black Spell Of Destruction (Burzum Cover) (6:26)
Ciprian Florea: vocals, guitars, bass, drums, keyboards
Alina Sîrghi: backing vocals on "Chemarea Străbună" (guest artist)

This release comes with full colour pro-printed booklet & back cover and color sticker on CD-R
and is imited to 600 handnumbered copies!
If you are interested in having this release in your distro, let us know.
The price is 4 Euros/copy or trade.
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