Kandaon - "Ageless Through Time"

Release date: 15.01.2012
Playing time: 34:26
"Ageless Through Time" is Kandaon's second album. While the debut "Bria Getae" was more mystical/contemplative, this second opus is more straight forward and aggressive, being at the same time melodic. Besides Ciprian Florea, the leader of this band, on this album you can hear the contribution of Costin Chioreanu on bass/guitar and Răduţă Penda on drums.
Below you can read a statement from one of the members of the band:
"On this album we wanted to concentrate on the true spirit of Black Metal. We wanted to make a sincere album which will make you think of forests and darkness, to make an album forgetting of everyting that surrounds the scene now and make you turn back to the primordial state of mind connected with this style of music. That is why, maybe, this album will bring you to mind the music that was released in the mid 90s in this genre. The sound is also old school. With this in mind it might be that some of the listeners used to the modern/plastic sound will not be satisfied."
The artwork was made by Costin Chioreanu/

1. Ageless Through Time (5:25)
2. The Curse Of Time (7:11)
3. Hypocritical Oath (5:28)
4. In Ice And Wind We Call (6:43)
5. Void Yet Free (7:48)
Ciprian Florea: vocals, guitars
Costin Chioreanu: guitars, bass
Răzvan Răduţă Penda: drums

This release comes as a digipak with factory printed CD-R.
If you are interested in having this release in your distro, let us know.
The price is 4 Euros/copy or trade.
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