Cadaveres - "Soul Of A New Breed"
(Hungary, Edge Records, New Metal, 2006)

Cadaveres was formed in July 2005 and consists of six members (vox, bass, 2 x guitar, a drummer and a percussionist) which played before in bands like Hybrid, Skizodigital, Crushera and Cadaveres de Tortugas. "Soul Of A New Breed" is the debut album (after a promo album and a promo EP) and it's pretty perfect for such a new band!
Though it all has already been here and there, it sounds fresh to me. Great vocal lines, from clean & emotional (sometimes distorted) to brutal screams and growls (a mix of Max Cavalera and Mudwayne's Chad Gray + something own), cool riffs and (short but effective) solos, mixed very well and powerfull. Aggressive but still diversified, filled with short breaks and fantastic melodies, like the piano outro on "Seventh Heaven" (Faith No More's "Epic") or the instrumental "Flaw" which leads into the uptempo track "Tenacity"! And "Blood Stained" is half a hard ballad, spiced with a strange recurring Pop-like part, half a bomber with almost Black Metal screams... Great! All in all it reminds me of a hybrid between Soulfly and Acid Bath with some Metalcore, but straighter and still original, mostly because of the vocals... Hard to describe, which is a good sign! I love the title track most, after I've heard it two times only, I couldn't get the catchy chorus out of my head, sounds like they know what they want! Of course there are some (insignificant) negative points, but for a debut it's more than enough!
By the way, I saw them live and was surprised about the constant high quality of the set! I've never heard such a great band from Hungary (except for Blind Myself maybe). Visit their site and check out the mp3's and the video! Hardcore/New Metal in your face! Keep it that way! Egészségére!
Carpticon - "Master Morality"
(Norway, BlackSeed Productions, Black Metal, 2006)

Putting on this debut CD from Norwegians Carpticon is like going in a timewarp back to 1997, since it has the typical sound of Norwegian bands from that era. I wasn't really taken with bands like Morgul or Gehenna back then and I'm not too enthralled with Carpticon's debut either. By all means this is well played, recorded and has a reasonable amount of thought in it (there are also some slight Death Metal influences in the sound, reminding me of Emperor's "IX Equilibrium"). It all sounds rather clinical to me, but fans of the "classic" Norwegian sound will surely find something to enjoy on here.
Carnavage - "Carnival Of Carnage"
(Algeria, Corrupted Harmony Musick, Goregrind, 2005)

If you can see (or rather, hear) past the horrible computer drums and synthetic production, there is some really disgusting Death/Grind sickness on Carnavage's first demo! The nine tracks on display here add nothing new to the genre, yet they sound so dirty and primitive. Since the recording of this demo, Carnavage have got a proper, human drummer (drum machines were never meant for Grindcore) so guys, record the next one in a proper studio and let's hear some real sickness!
Cerekloth - "Pandemonium Prayers"
(Denmark, Hells Headbangers Records, Death Metal, 2009)

Recorded at Necromanteion Studio (Infinity, Funeral Winds etc.), "Pandemonium Prayers" brings in front of us the re-edition of this material released earlier on LP, but with shitty sound, with a sound re-mastered process and a new track as a bonus, never heard on band's 7" EP!
Consider it to be a sort of Death Metal from the grave, the whole musical content offered by this Danish combo reminds me from the first riff about Deicide; even more, you can hear a cover song taken from Deicide called "Lunatic of Gods Creation" from "Deicide" album! This cover song sounds pretty good in the end, but it doesn't have the same attraction as the original one, I have to recognize. Although the musical content imagined by Cerekloth is a very good one, that reminiscence coming from Deicide is obvious; and I have to add that in the end I detected a new band that influenced this Scandinavian gang, I want to introduce you Acheron! Mostly for the vocal register, but for some riffs and Metal lines too; I'd say probably the best 2 combos that influenced this Danish team along the years!
I'd like to see what will be band's future in the extreme Metal scene from now on, because I consider that they have some potential and things are going to change in the near future for sure! So let's keep on eye on it to see what all is about!
Chach - "To Destroy Your Boyfriend's Confidence"
(U.S.A., Self released, Rock, 2005)

Chach Rocks! I haven't heard such a pure, sexy, timeless Rock'n'roll for a long time, especially not from an unsigned band. From Elvis to the Queens of the Stone Age, there is something for every (open-minded) Rock listener on this goddamn planet, you can't say which decade this music belongs to, or which age it's for!
Four sexy guys and a hot girl from L.A. will save every ever so sad party under the sun!
As I've discovered the band on (a website for unsigned bands from California), I thought it's a kind of mistake, they sound like stars to me...
Seems that this four track EP is the first (official?) release to date, though it's mixed by Frank Gryner (A Perfect Circle, Crystal Method... however they managed to get him) and it's very short, but they are playing live shows... so there must be more. I'd like to know what else is on the setlist and hope to hear a full album soon...
"From The Throne" is the first song, a masterpiece which also has an enhanced video demonstrating the band's cool lifestyle... and it doesn't look forced at all. I simply can't get this pictures out of my head. The music reminds me a little of Nirvana's Nevermind mixed with the newer Monster Magnet sound, but very original... hard but emotional...
The other three tracks are 70s/80s Rock, though they sound very modern, song three reminds me here and there of the Misfits, but more groovy... A lot of styles in this fresh cocktail!
I've listened about ten times within a couple of hours to this CD, and although I've understood the structure of the songs right away, it doensn't seem boring at all...
Great sound, lyrics, artwork AND "image"... all in all, a perfect start to get very big!
I wish them good luck! Cheerz!
Circle Of Fear - "Pain... Scars... Healing..."
(U.S.A., Deafguy Productions, Death/Thrash Metal, 2002)

Intense and unusual, these are the key words for this U.S. Death/Thrash Metal band. I've listened to their material for 4 or five times but still I can find new interesting things happening there... details that are not coming out from the first listen, but the thing that impressed me from the beginning still remains in top of the attractions of this CD, that being the voice, very unusual, at least I've never listened to something alike. Also interesting are the guitar solos, maybe a little bit too melodic, compared to the rest of the music, also worthy to mention are the breaks/rhythm changes that they do in their composition. All in all their music is quite original even if you can feel some Slayer influences on their music but who is not influenced by Slayer anyway?
I don't know if this is still available or if they have released some new stuff, try your luck at the address below!
Cirith Gorgor - "Firestorm Apocalypse – Tomorrow Shall Know The Blackest Dawn"
(The Netherlands, Ketzer Records, Black Metal, 2004)

On their last album Cirith Gorgor are continuing their path on the true Black Metal way. This time they have longer songs but with the same dose of freshness and purity. The songs are well played and composed and they have hat true Black Metal feeling all over, not contaminated with the trendy shit. An anti-Christian feeling is dominating all over here, the lyrics talk mostly of the ending of the Christian era and such related topics, very good and not stupid. There's also an interlude, composed by Atomtrakt between the 3rd and 4th song. If you're a devotee of Black Metal put your hands on this cold gem of hatred! "Support the destruction of the weak human beliefs/By wolves tooth the sheep will be slain"
Cirith Gorgor - "Cirith Gorgor"
(The Netherlands, Ketzer Records, Black Metal, 2007)

Here we have the fourth album from Dutch Black Metallers Cirith Gorgor, which is simply self titled. I had already heard this bands previous opus on Ketzer, "Firestorm Apocalyse", so pretty much knew what to expect here.
Opener "Total Annihilation" has a dark, clear yet deep production, ultra fast drumming, bombastic riffs and screamed vocals. Sound like anyone? Dark Funeral? Yes! I thought I'd almost put on "Vobiscum Sathanas" by that band by mistake. Even that keen sense of blackened melody is there. Is all this a bad thing? Well, it depends. This stuff tends to leave me cold, it's way to overblown for my tastes, however those who enjoy Marduk, Dark Funeral and countrymen Funeral Winds will find this very interesting. It's a very well put together album despite its unoriginality.
Fans of drama, bombast and blastbeats will adore this album, no doubt. Superbly played and produced, "Cirith Gorgor" ought to win this band a few more fans. I'll appreciate its qualities but probably won't be joining their fan club anytime soon...
Claustrofobia - "I See Red"
(Brazil, Candlelight Records, Thrash Metal, 2009)

Brazilian Thrash Metal gang Claustrofobia is back in business with its new opus called "I See Red", and album released a while ago through Candlelight Records from U.K.!
Consisting in 15 tracks of pure brutality and relentless violence, "I See Red" introduce an incredible combination between various musical styles, such as: Hardcore, Thrash or Death Metal, all these being filled with apocalyptical vocal registers, vicious guitar riffs, atypical guitar solos and a drums section executed with a surgical precision.
The vocal score is for sure one of the main attraction point of this material, consisting in a well done combination between guttural vokills a la Vital Remains and a Thrash core manner closer to Phil Anselmo (Pantera) or Burton C. Bell from mighty Fear Factory in the same time! I was extremely satisfied by band musically lines used on "I See Red", the technical level being for sure one of the principal secret weapons used by this South American combo. If Sepultura is dead, here you have the new king of the Brazilian Thrash/Death Metal area. You should take into consideration this band, because it needs our full support. So get this album as soon as possible and don't even try to kill the future!
Contra Ignem Fatuum - "Detritus"
(U.K., Supernal Music, Black Metal, 2005)

"Contra Ignem Fatuum" is the first release from the band that were previously known as Circumscriber, whose promising demo "Halcyon Mockery" is due to be re-recorded and re-released under the C.I.F monicker. What we have with "Detritus" is essentially one fifteen minute track, with intro and outro on either side, bringing the release up to standard MCD lengths. The long intro "Blood Upon The Horizon" is an astonishing piece of ambience, the haunting choral sounds and distant rumble of percussion is both beautiful and threatening, slowly increasing the tension as the music progresses. The centrepiece of the MCD is next, starting off with a solitary, distorted guitar which lurches slowly, gracefully into an immense sound of grim heaviness. Whilst remaining true to the core of Black Metal, of that there is no doubt, Contra Ignem Fatuum have a very distinct, almost Industrial quality. As well as the obvious Burzum influences, I am also reminded of Godflesh ("Streetcleaner") and In Slaughter Natives. The blend of depressive Black Metal, mechanical, industrial atmospheres and soundtrack like ambience sounds utterly seemless and natural. The MCD closes with a second Ambient track "Hyperborean Ascension", which winds the music down into serene soundscapes. This band have a very bright future ahead of them if they keep creating music to this standard!
Corona Bor - "Real Is"
(Greece, Self released, Grunge/Stoner Metal, 2002)

Sometimes the law of selection is not right, there are lots of uninteresting bands over there that have a deal with a major label and they release below average albums and there are quite some very good bands that are not making it. Corona Bor was a band from Greece that started somewhere around 1998 and released 3 demos at their own expense. "Real Is" is their second release and the only one that ever came my way. The main ingredient here is Grunge fused with Stoner Rock, like a mix of later Celestial Season, Queens Of The Stone Age and The Cult. The songs are well interpreted and fresh and you can see that they are playing this style from the heart as nothing seems forced here.
"Satan Ex-Machina", the opener, sets the pace. Muddy productions and a hard fuzzy guitar/bass melody and hard drumming, psychedelic touches, great Blues solos, perfect! "Like The Sunset" changes the tone, they are getting down and they let it loose, a six minutes epic with a progressive touch. "Carbon Black", the best song here in my opinion is a Stoner Rock "hit" which would have fitted on QOTSA's "Rated R" for sure, they may not be copy cats but this has something from there, hehe. The same spirit is to be found on the followers too: "Plastic Woman's Face", "Aim" and "Acid" (second part of this song is a great Gothic Rock track) are all great furious Rock'n'rollers.
Some negative points for the use of "Pink Panther Theme" in one song which does have its place here, since this sounds serious enough but I may be wrong. I recommend this album if you can get a hold of it, this was never officially released and the band has split up.
Corporal Raid - "Xenophilism"
(Italy, Bizarre Leprous Production, Brutal Death Metal, 2004)

A totaly unknown name for me Corporal Raid did a big surprise for a devoted fan as I consider myself. Coming from a latin country, as Italy is, very known for its sympho Death or Black Metal bands, Corporal Raid tries to makes us open eyes to discover its Brutal Death Metal scene! Musically oriented to Brutal Death Metal, this Italian band propose us a very intense and aggressive product; an album with a total playing time of around 30 minutes and with a content of about 21 compositions. I'd like to remark that band members are full involved in the vocal score, although 3 of them are handling the instruments too. Generally speaking all their vokills are made in the very guttural score, but we also can hear some screams from time to time. The guitar is a very technical and heavier one, but the bass owns a totally devastating rhythm very well emphasized by a drum that makes me to think to a pneumatic hammer who insistetly strikes a piece of iron. We can find some strange moments when Corporal Raid offers us a sensation of using keys, but there isn't something like that. As the other Bizarre Leprous products Corporal Raid is using lyrical themes such as fistfucking, medicine and dissections, a very gore and brutal picture that fits perfectly with band's extreme musical content. But hold on! This band use no lyrics???!!! And that thing is mentioned on the booklet but I did not saw it! So... Corporal Raid uses no fuckin' lyrics, solos or other musical ideas, just the Brutal Death Metal music and the killing vokills I've mentioned above. CD's booklet seems to be an image of a SF movie, something closer to Alien but without a real link between the image and the CD title tracks or something else! In my point of view Corporal Raid represents successfuly the Italian underground Metal scene, this combo being a very important one for the Brutal Death Metal mainstream out there. Finaly I'd like to remark the outro, without lyrics or vokills; just crazy grind madness at a very big level!
Crackdust - "Dented Reality"
(Botswana, Core Riodic, Death Metal, 2007)

I must confess, I didn't know anything about the Metal scene in Botswana (a country in South Africa with a rather small population) so I was really surprised as I found Crackdust on MySpace.
The band was founded in 2006 and consists of Roth (guitars and vocals), S'Bond (bass) and Dlax on drums. The first release was the single for "Deranged Psychopath" which includes some remixes (a rap and a techno (!) version for example) and the video for this great song. "Dented Reality" is the debut album which was first available online only (mp3 or flac) but in the meantime they've found a label (?) to release it on CD. I got the mp3's so I can't say anything about the final product though I know the artwork, which is a little poor and simple, unfortunately. But I think the music is more important and they definitely kick ass!!! There's nothing really original about Crackdust's modern Death Metal but it's played perfectly and with passion! The 16 varied tracks sound very fresh to me though they remind me constantly of other bands but I think this feeling is inevitable when you're playing this kind of Metal. It's an authentic mix of old school (melodic) Death Metal with a lot of modern parts, technically perfect without any doubt! Here and there some complex arrangements and remarkable guitar solos astonish the listener. I also like the growls which you can almost call "clear" because Roth is articulating the words (without an accent by the way - actually English is a widely spoken language in Botswana). The instrumental semi-ballad "Subliminal Sorrow" also shows that their skill level is pretty high!
My favourite songs are the short and catchy opener "Ruptured" and "Deranged Psychopath" of course, which wasn't chosen for the single accidentally. Just check out the video on MySpace and you'll love them for sure! I can't imagine how they've managed to record such a high quality album already in the year they were founded, but it seems that there's a lot more to come! I really enjoy this album and I recommend it to every Metal fan out there!
For some people it may be strange watching the three guys playing Death Metal because of their origin (or whatever pigheaded individuals may think) but I don't think this is relevant at all! Far from it! I even think they're special - though somehow "cute", especially Roth with his Cannibal Corpse longsleeve on the promo pics! ;) And if Germans can play Reggae (with this stupid forced accent which is even worse!) why bother any longer with this topic? Click immediately on the links below and enjoy some good music!
Crom Dubh - "Fallen Sons"
(United Kingdom, Self released, Pagan Metal, 2005)

This is the second demo from London based Pagan Metal outfit Crom Dubh. Despite an A4 page of writing covering the myriad of influences and circumstances of the band, they only label themselves as "Extreme Metal", which is kind of unhelpful. Nonetheless, I have written Pagan Metal, since both the bands concepts (Beowulf, old Saxon and Norse poetry) and general sound (epic black-ish Metal similar to Forefather and such like) fit neatly into this label. The material on "Fallen Souls" has a raw sound quality (not sure if it's a rehearsal or not) but it's well played and structured. I get the feeling that the band are full of ideas and that's not really projected in the music. I think with more rehearsals and a clearer sense of purpose Crom Dubh might be capable of creating something special in future.
Crying Blood - "Animae Damnatae"
(Spain, Xtreem Music Records, Black Metal, 2009)

Wow!!! What I got here is something I was looking for since Cradle of Filth early days; something that I like very much, and I could label it as Symphonic Black Metal with a melodically touch and vampyrical attitude! Almost Cradle of Filth I'd say!!! Extremely heavy and incredible skilled, this album brings me a lot of interesting feelings towards this orchestral extreme Metal way of playing, something I never felt in the latest 10 years or so! Although I'm 100% into Brutal Death or Grindcore Metal, this playing manner seems to fit perfectly with all my views; Crying Blood being for sure a very good surprise for me! Because our interview link will feature an interesting interview with band leader, I'd like to end here because this is the only way to learn much more things about such an incredible band. Do not try to understand that Crying Blood is a copy of their mighty ancestors from U.K.; this is the way that Cradle Of Filth should play, and in the latest years it seems that they forgot the path! So buy this album and keep focused on the interview link; I assure you that it will be fuckin' great to learn more things about this orchestral vampirical gang!
Cultus - "A Seat In Valhalla"
(The Netherlands, Heidens Hart, Pagan Black Metal, 2004)

This was my first introduction to the music of Cultus, and for all intents and purposes it looked like it was going to be some fairly run of the mill Pagan Metal. Well, pressing "play" cast these assumptions into the waste bin. Pagan Metal this is, but not the soft, folky kind that sometimes gets on my nerves, but a veritable hornet's nest of buzzing guitars, distortion soaked vocals and fast drum beats. Complacency very nearly killed the cat in this case. Despite its rawness, energy and aggression the music on "A Seat In Valhalla" is not actually that "dark". It's pretty upbeat, and has a victorious, optimistic tone, although some tracks towards the end are slightly more melancholy. Mastermind Arjan performed all instruments on this release and he should be commended; the guitars form a mist of harsh melody and the bass not only has the distinction of being audible in the mix, but also has some interesting bass lines which add a lot of depth to the sound.
A versatile release with a very simple core and style, but manages to capture a wide variety of moods. A very worthy release.
Cumchrist - "Cumplete"
(U.S.A., Unmatched Brutality Records, Brutal Death, 2003)

What a disgusting name! What a band! Cumchrist is one of the most interesting U.S. Brutal Death Metal bands ever. In its rows we can find some of the biggest names in the area, starting with members of: Gorgasm, Cinerary, Incestous, Evil Incarnate or Cianide.
As far as I can see, "Cumplete" is a kind of "Best Of", because we can find songs recorded 2-3 years ago. This product representing one of the most dangerous albums ever recorded in the mainstream. The vocal register is a varied one, with high tonalities from screaming to grunting; very aggressive at artworks level and lyrics, who really offends Christ name, "Cumplete" is very attractive through its musical content too. Devastating bass riffs, criminal guitar solos and violent drum beatings, compounds a phonic cocktail "sweeten", some times, by Core Metal phases. In my point of view, these words are useless if you don't get this album as soon as possible.
So I'll let you decide if this U.S. brutal core masterpiece deserves one of the first places in the Extreme Metal Champion League!!!
Cyruss - "Hate Songs"
(Austria, Bloodshed666/Over Ground Killer, Stoner/Sludge/Metal, 2007)

YES! Finally a new Austrian band which I really adore! I've found Cyruss on MySpace incidentally (I've searched for the profile after I saw the great cover this album has) and was overwhelmed with emotion just after I've heard the opening seconds of "To The Static". It felt like a collaboration of two of my favourite bands: Pungent Stench and Queens of the Stone Age. After I've heard this track, I knew I had to find out more about Cyruss. The band is pretty new, though each of the members (Markus - drums, Klaus - bass and Alfred - vocals/guitar) has been in the local music scene (Punk and Hardcore) for about 10, 15 years now. In summer 2004 they started to work seriously on songs and released the debut album "Hate/Human", which was limited to 300 copies only, in 2005. "Hate Songs" had already 1000 copies... not without reasons! I've read the term "Brutalized Stoner" somewhere, and this is exactly how I would describe the sound of these guys from Vienna. The band describes the music as misanthropic Stoner/Sludge...
The coolness of the riffs and the groovy melodies mixed with the crusty angry vocals will make you feel like an ugly bad guy who's sitting in a dirty smoky pub in a goddamned desert, waiting to kill someone for a little compensation... Something like this! ;) Alfred's hateful vocals remind me constantly of Martin Schirenc (ex-Pungent Stench), a fact which is not bad at all!
My favourite song is the above mentioned "To The Static", which begins pretty much like QOTSA's "Walking On The Sidewalks" form their debut album and gets more and more brutal to the end. Track 6 ("Distortion Of Man"), a mid-tempo bastard with even more hateful, almost vomited vocals is also a very catchy one. The crunchy bass sound can be noticed best in this one.
The songwriting is simple and to the point, this is not the most original album, but very well executed! Some of the influences listed in the info are Iron Monkey, Bongzilla and Eyehategod. Unfortunately there's almost no information in the booklet (neither online) so I can't say anything about the lyrics, but with song titles like "Why Dance When Falling" or "His Own Trap Killed The Man" they can only be perfect as well...
A very interesting fact is that this album was recorded live (in the studio), mixed and mastered in two days only, the "do it yourself" way!!! But this raw sound is just right for this kind of music. I love it! I don't know how long it took Metallica to obtain the sound on "St. Anger" and how expensive it was, but this CD sounds a hundred times better in my opinion.
In conclusion, the only bad thing about this record is its length, there should have been 10 songs on it, but I suppose it's all about money...
In the end something I can't understand: It was hard to get this CD, I had to ask a lot of times and they delayed it again and again and even as I said I want to purchase it, it took them some time to send it. Well, finally I got it ...for free ;) Why am I mentioning this? I think this band has a huge potential to get bigger, but it seems like all they want is having some fun and playing their music live... which is a good thing of course... But guys!!! You have to move forward! Penetrate the world with your music, I would be surprised if there would be no (positive) reactions. I think you deserve much more!
Check out the mp3's posted on their websites and get this CD!