Daemonlord - "The End Of An Era"
(Ketzer Records, Black/Death Metal, Spain, 2004)

A vinyl only release on Ketzer Records, who seem to be one of the few labels keeping vinyl spirit alive. Spanish Daemonlord are a band I'm not familiar with, so it was with some interest I listened to this MLP. Sadly, while the vinyl itself is first rate, the music falls into the second division, populated with generic Black/Death Metal bands. There's nothing bad about this music, it's competently played and recorded with some good riffs, but I just need more than that to be really into a release. Most of the tracks here are fast, with a monotonous drum machine and annoying vocals, which have been put through a pitch shifter; probably to sound like irate demons, but in truth it's really fucking annoying. The best tracks are the last two "A Quest, The Search" and "The Towers Of Greifdoom" which are slower and have more variety in them. All in all a pretty average release though; I expected better stuff from Ketzer Recs... Maybe next time...
Dark Domination - "Let Satan Speak Through Our Lips"
(Latvia, I.N.R.I. Records, Black Metal, 2005)

Dark Domination's 2001 debut "Blasphemy" was a something of a rough diamond; despite being 70 odd minutes long it had a distinctly demo-like feel to it, due to its home recorded sound, drum machine and cheap keyboards it greatly reminded me greatly of "Wrath Of The Tyrant" era Emperor and the first Immortal LP. However, with this new CD Dark Domination are not relying on the listeners nostalgia for the early 90s Norwegian sound, since "Let Satan Speak Through Our Lips" is a different proposition altogether. The style here is primarily fast Black Metal, approximately how Dark Funeral played it on "Vobiscum Sathanas", except Dark Domination have a better eye for dynamics and atmospherics than any of those Swedish bands.
The sinister introduction "Beyond The Gates Of Hell" rumbles menacingly in a background for what seems like an aeon, until without warning "Hordes Of The Godless" slams into you like a freight train heading at 666 mph out of hell, with rapid fire blast beats and tremolo picked guitar riffs that curdle the blood. "Under The Emperor's Wings" steams out of the speakers after a short intermezzo, with similar ferocity to its predecessor, but the acoustic sections and haunting backing vocals give this track an extra dimension. And so the album continues, alternating breakneck speed with sombre interludes is a refreshing approach to the genre and the tension that is generated between each song is amazing. Some will want to just skip to the next Black Metal track, but for me these atmospheric pieces are an integral piece of Dark Domination; it takes that element of predictability away, that is so common with current Black Metal releases... You never know quite what is going to happen next with this release, but I can tell you that all of it is the work of genius, without a doubt.
A special mention must be made for the booklet artwork which was created by the French artist Antonin Delas, an embalmer who creates the most child-like yet macabre pictures, which perfectly suits Dark Domination's abyssic sound of black chaos. A perfect introduction to this Latvian act, whose music, words, and actions are permeated with darkness... Black Metal was meant to be this way.
Dark Domination - "Rebellion 666"
(Latvia, Evil Distro, Black Metal, 2006)

It didn't seem longer than a few minutes ago that Dark Domination released the epic "Let Satan Speak Through Our Lips" in 2005. Already they are returning a year later with another masterpiece of darkness called "Rebellion 666".
Structurally, this is presented the same way as the previous disc, in that you have Black Metal/Ambient interlude/Black Metal and so on. This won't be to everyone's taste, but if you don't like it there's always the "skip" button on your CD player to keep things moving. We also have a very clear Phoenix Studio production and artwork provided by French painter Antonin Delas, just as before.
What can I say about the music? Well, it's a touch slower than the relentless "Let Satan Speak..." and there's a lot more variety. At times (like that the beginning of the title track) Dark Domination sound a little like a blacker Dissimulation, as well as Dark Funeral during the fast parts. Pretty much every song has it's own character, which is great to hear in these derivative times. "War March Against Christianity" even uses bagpipes to great effect and Lembetu from Loits again contributes some killer vocals on the final track "Edasi, Saatana lapsed!". My personal favourite is possibly "Together We Rape The Son God". A fast, straight ahead track with a wicked chorus, this sounds like pure evil! Also worth mentioning in the re-recording of "When Master Satan Returns", originally featured on the bands raw debut "Blasphemy". It's great to hear this song with a full line-up and proper production and shows how far Dark Domination have progressed in the past few years.
Another killer album from one of the finest Black Metal acts of today, and a fine first release from new Latvian label Evil Distro. Keep up the great work!.
Dark Domination - "Let Satan Speak Through Our Lips"
(Latvia, Witchcraft Productions, Black Metal, 2007)

Dark Domination was founded in 1997 as a Death Metal project named Domination. After a year the name was changed into Dark Domination and the style into Black Metal. The debut album "Blasphemy" was released in 2001, but it has nothing to do with the albums that followed, when comparing the songwriting and the sound. The tapes they send all over the world brought them a first deal with Ketzer Records, other small deals followed.
"Let Satan Speak Through Our Lips", the second full length album, was first released in 2005 by the French Label I.N.R.I. Records, limited to 200 copies only, which were sold out very quickly. This re-issue comes with a different cover artwork and is limited to 1000 copies. I don't know why they chose another artwork, I really like the strange paintings Antonin Delas did for this album but I suppose it isn't considered "evil" enough anymore.
The music Dark Domination play is old school Black Metal in the main, but there's a strange thing about this album: every other track is an about three minutes long Ambient interlude. Macabre keyboard melodies mixed with distorted sounds (reminds me of vermin), whispers, chants in slow motion and stuff like this... These 8 tracks (including the intro) result in an own 23 minutes long one, if put together. A somehow great idea, maybe a little too long, many a person will push the "next" button, but I think it looses the atmosphere and fit very well with the contrasting Raw Black Metal.
The production fits to the rest, not over-produced but fortunately a little more polished than the "primitive" Black Metal bands. The compositions are pure - hardly any experiments or compromises but as far as I know they don't strive for that and don't call their music outstanding, so I won't mock about lapse of originality here.
I especially like the monotone/minimalist drums and the recurring guitar lines. The song I like most is the 7 minutes long eerie instrumental "Gloria Tibi, Lucifer!" with it's dramatic acoustic guitars à la Pink Floyd's "The Wall" or "The Final Cut", subtle keyboards and church organs which leads into the epic, atmospheric and varied (bonus track) "Isanda Teenistuses" with Lambetu of Loits as guest vocalist, who does all kind of screams on this one, from classic and brutal to sick and mournful... I really like his voice.
This is a very strong album, highly recommended, even for "commercial Black Metal" fans. Be sure to order your copy at
www.witchcraft666.com, I think this time it will also be sold out very soon!
Darth - "Buttfucked By Destiny"
(Germany, Crude Entertainment, Deathcore, 2003)

"We dont give a fuck about high quality bandhomepages... This here is pure fucking underground DEATH CORE, so enjoy it or fuck off!!!" This is a part of the statement you can read when you visit Darth's website. Well, maybe this is the reason why they've recorded only a single album since the band was founded in 1995. Being underground doesn't mean being unprofessional at all!
After a lot of changes in the line-up "Buttfucked By Destiny" (nice title ...and great cover!) was recorded and released in 2003 by the Polish label Crude Entertainment. It's good to see that they didn't give up at all, the band is in the studio right now, recording the second album – by the way, they are looking for a label to release it, so check them out if you're interested, it's worthwhile!
The nine tracks on this debut (which is a little short) are pretty good, I'd say it's a mix of Master, early Napalm Death, some Cannibal Corpse and a little bit of Vader's sound (especially the uptempo parts like in "Self-Exorcism" or "I Should Be Dead" - a great neckbreaker!) My favourite track is the opener "Wall of Ignorance", a groovy bastard with the perfect lyrics to start a riot (fortunately also on the website)! There are some small mistakes in the lyrics, and they're not really poetical but I kind of like them... against oppressors, false preachers, politicians and all the other scum of the Earth.
All in all it's nothing special and I think it's hard to keep up with the "established" bands of this genre with such an album, also the vocals could be a little more brutal (maybe more guttural), but in the main it's a good piece of underground, powerfully recorded with very well done instrumentations! Check out
www.crudeent.com where you can purchase this CD for only 4 Euros.
Death Over Threat - "Sangre"
(Spain, Xtreem Music Records, Thrash Metal, 2009)

Although this is a recently founded band, Death Over Threat shows still from the beginning that we have to deal with a very skilled and professional combo; a gang influenced mainly by Metallica and a few other names from the Thrash Metal area, especially from the U.S. scene! Founded in 2002 this Spanish combo released very soon the first demo material in Immortal Studios, but it split up due to personal reasons and line-up changes! In November 2005 the old Deathreat, band's first name, members decided to continue and they decided to change the name in the actual formula and to continue with what they started in 2002. This time with some musical changes too and with a vocal score dealing with Thrashcore elements in the same time with the Death guttural vocals, and some normal chants were added at the vocal score, the final result being a very good one, reminding me a bit of the German Thrash Metal combo Evolution! Recorded in early 2007, the first official release saw the daylight thanks too Xtreem Music who was very impressed by a song featured on "Spain Kills Compilation" recorded in 2008! Band's Thrash Metal musical content sounds very good; being filled with some melodically lines too, but with some core moments too! A whole content very expressive and well played, although this is the first opus from its career. The cover artwork looks great being paint all in red, something unusual I'd say for a Thrash Metal band; but probably I'm used too much with Metallica, Destruction, Slayer and many other covers! I'll try to end here because I want to give you the chance to see what all is about on your own; Death Over Threat being in my point of view a band that we should keep an eye on it from now on, because I think that in the future it will reserve us some surprises!
Defiance - "The Prophecy"
(U.S.A., Candlelight Records, Thrash Metal, 2009)

Stunning return to form from Thrash Metal gods called Defiance! Reformed after a 15 years hiatus, Defiance decided to regroup after many years of request from its fans side. And although the comeback was realised in 2005, and they signed to Candlelight, "The Prophecy" saw the day-light just a few weeks ago. Currently featuring important musicians such as: Steev Esquivel (Skinlab) on vocals and the drummer Mark Hernandez (Vio-lence/Forbidden), beside Jim Adams (g) and bassist Mike Kaufmann, Defiance decided to record the new CD in San Francisco.
Generally speaking, band's musical content is 100% Thrash Metal oriented, the technical level being as usual a very, very good one! The actual line-up decided to play the same lines as they did 15 years ago, an opportunity to learn a few more things about that period from a highly acclaimed band!
The cover artwork is a very good one and it fits perfectly with the title of this material, but with the lyrical content too. And if I'm not wrong is something about a cosmic alignment of the planets from our solar system; probably some of you knows what is all about in the end. All in all the lyrical content, with the cover artwork and the whole musical content are hand in hand to create what once was in the Thrash Metal area across the ocean.
Demilich - "Nespithe"
(Finland, Xtreem Music, Death Metal, 2009)

Probably for some of you Demilich represents an unknown band, for some others represent a cult Death Metal band; and I assure you that in the end this is it! A cult Death Metal combo very known for its unique sick brand of Sludge Death Metal, filled with extreme guttural vocals made by Antti Boman, band's founder and leader! His vocal way of playing is so outrageous that the band felt the need, in the CD booklet, to explain that no vocal effects and some other shit like this were used during the recording process!
The band was created during 1990, almost in the same time with some of the most important Death Metal bands across the ocean, by Antti Boman (g/v), bass player Jussi Teräsvirta and Mikko Virnes (d). At that time 3 demos were recorded; "Regurgitation Of Blood", "The Four Instructive Tales... Of Decomposition", both recorded the next year when Barathrum's guitar player Aki Hytönen was added to the roster! The 3rd demonstrative material: "...Somewhere Inside The Bowels Of Endlessness..." followed in 1992, the same year Ville Koistinen had assumed the bass duties. Another material was distributed in 1992 by Grinder Production, and it was called "The Echo". Band's first opus called "Nespithe" was released by Necropolis Records, February 1993, and soon was licensed by Xtreem Music, at that time Repulse, but for the European version with a bonus material including 4 songs taken from "The Four Instructive Tales... Of Decomposition", band's old demo. Another cover artwork was paint, and very soon after that there were rumours that "Nespithe" was bootlegged by some unknown labels from Germany! Since that moment Demilich was inactive until 2005, when Antti reformed the gang with new instrumentalists! One year later Demilich supported Biolich in their U.S. tour; and almost in the same period a compilation CD featuring all the band's demos was planned to be released by Xtreem Music. This year Xtreem Music decided to re-release band's first opus, with a re-mastered version on LP and CD!
The musical content is the same as it was, it still is, and it will be from now on, unaltered Death Metal, sick, barbaric and full of hatred! For a material recorded almost 17 years ago, "Nespithe" remained fresh and full of interesting promises for the future! I hope that very soon a new material will be recorded, because I really need to hear something in the old good way; and Demilich is for sure one of the bands still playing in this manner!
Depravicus - "Cloaked In Black"
(U.S.A., Self released, Deathgrind, 2007)

"Depravicus originally started as an idea by Ben and Dan (both on guitars) years ago, but never came together until Daniel (vocals) came to us from Ohio. The three of us jammed a few times, and added Mason (drums) and within two months of practicing, only one time a week, five songs were written. After a tenacious search for a bassist, we added Clay to complete our line-up. Our only goal as a band is to deliver a brutal Metal assault, whether on record or live, and leave you wanting more..." (part of the official bio)
"Cloaked In Black" is not officially released, you can also find it on MySpace. It was recorded for promoting this young band from Michigan. The five tracks here are furious technical Deathgrind in the vein of bands like The Red Chord. Here and there some interesting breaks and melodies are placed, which makes them sound a little Math Metal-like, though not that complex... but the compositions are diverse and well structured, even if very brutal. All kinds of tempos and rhythms, sharp riffs, double bass attacks, some slow grind parts and a great vocalist who is able to scream and growl his soul out with passion, are making the songs addictive.
The sound is not the best (not overproduced, to put it that way) but for a demo that was recorded and mixed in six hours for 60 dollars, the production is more than OK, not only when considering the time/money constraints!
The band is currently preparing the next release - the first "real" one - hopefully with my artwork on it ;) (they've contacted me because they like some of the works on my website). I wish them good luck and hope to see the debut soon on Relapse or Metal Blade Records.
Der Henker - "Annihilation In Blasphemy"
(Italy, Haarbn Productions, Black Metal, 2007)

Der Henker is an Italian band/artist, though I would have put money on the fact they/he comes from Norway. According to promotional information this album does have guests from Norwegian musicians who play Skydom and Massemord (in fact it seems Der Henker himself was a member of Massemord)... So this almost is a Norwegian Black Metal album. It certainly sounds like one; fast, strumming guitars with that cold distortion sound, playing semi-melodic riffs; atmosphere building synths that hover in the background and the standard "screamed" Black Metal voice. It's like 1996 all over again, which I have to say, is not a particularly great thing. Der Henker do their thing really well and there a few quality riffs and a lot of technical ability here, but this style of Black Metal has neither the menace of the early 90s stuff or the chaotic energy of 80s Black Metal. I guess if you rated bands like Morgul, The Covenant, Gehenna, Thy Grief, Satyricon and all those countless other Norse bands in the mid 90s you will like this, as Der Henker do exceed most of them in terms of quality, it's just... such a dull style!
Desorator - "Signs Of Coma"
(Japan, Voyaki Records, Death Metal, 1999)

Death Metal from Sapparo – Japan ... I remember that when I've received this MCD I was reading a book about Japan, to be more concise the "memoirs" of a Romanian who was traveling trough Japan. He said that the people there are friendly and very calm... well you cannot tell the same about the music this people are playing. When I think only at some names like: Gore Beyond Necropsy, Abigail, Sabbat, hmm. They seem to be far from friendly... at least when it comes to music. The band Desorator is one of the few bands that I've ever received for a review from these lands, the others being: Fugue, Top Breeder and Diborce.
Desorator is playing old school Death Metal the way it should be played! They seem like a band that has been put on ice for some time and now they've been brought back to life because the style that they are playing is long time dead (at least in this form). Many will say that this music is outdated but not for me and the others that are in love with this kind of stuff. The production of the CD is not the best that you can get, because there is a lot of distortion there and sometimes this causes some problems in hearing the music at the level it was supposed to be heard. As a personal favourite here it would be the fourth song "Neglect" a piece of slow Death Metal, very cryptic and with a lot of feeling. The other songs are faster than this one. Another thing worthy to be mentioned is the solo from the song "The Law Of Contradiction". Well get this, if you like old school Death Metal then you wont be disappointed.
Despondency - "eXtinction"
(Germany, Necrotican Records, Death/Grind, 2001)

Despondency is a band from Northern Germany and their style is U.S. Brutal Death Metal in the vein of Suffocation and Deeds Of Flesh, totally uncompromising and fresh. This MCD is their first offering, and I can tell that if you dig this genre, this band will not let you down in any aspect. They start this opus with a sample from David Lynch's "Twin Peaks" and continue with a hyper blast straight Death Metal with a few hints of Hardcore. As quoted from their biography: "The lyrical themes cover anything from aggressive, hate filled descriptions of absurd modern reality to spotlights on hidden instincts of the human mind resulting in unimaginable brutality and even to a few surrealistic hints at the hypocrisy and falsehood of religious syndicates, all summarized to a reflection on the total worthlessness of humanity". I quote this because this MCD has no lyrics sheet (limited to 500 copies and pro-done, sold out at the moment), as for the music, and a non-stop violence with some good rhythm breaks. The best song here are "Extinguish My Own Race" like a pulsating swarm of maggots, with some very good "pit moments" and "Human Fertilizer" fast and brutal, as Death Metal must be, with a very good guitar work! I recommend this to all Brutal Death Metal freaks out there. And as a conclusion this is a true piece of brutality, well produced and played at a very high standard, maybe not that original but straight from the heart!
Despondency - "Womb Of Shit"
(Germany, Self released, Death/Grind, 2002)

This CD is even more extreme than their previous MCD, "Extinction". The vocal style has changed, now it's more into gore style but not that silly style of gore vocals, this is really deep and powerful. The drumming act is also more technical. Some slow parts are to be found here and there, but in general the tempo is really intense. Good work! My favourite here is: "9mm Headfuck", a Death Metal masterpiece. Now I got only one question on my mind: how would their next release sound like?
Destinity - "Synthetic Existence"
(France, Adipocere Records, Thrash-Death Metal, 2005)

Founded back in July 1996, Destinity is back with its last album called "Synthetic Existence". Recorded in Hansen Studio from Denmark, with Jacob Hansen as a producer, "Synthetic Existence" saw the daylight on September the 16th 2005 under Adipocere Records' banner, who presses no less than 35.000 copies from it. Consisting in 6 instrumentalists, Destinity's musical content brings in front of us an interesting concept that combines extreme Metal lines with melodic or very technical moments in the purest New Wave Of Swedish Death Metal vein. I'd like to begin this review with band vocal score well emphasized by Mick, the main lyrical composer of this French band. His guttural tonalities remind me of Canadian Brutal Death Metal masters Cryptopsy; athough we can hear frequently some clean vocals made by Morteus. Returning to Mick, I could say we can frequently hear some vocals in Carcass way of playing; the whole musical content of this CD reminding me from time to time of Carcass on "Swansong" album. Sometimes Destinity's music seems to be closer to Hypocrisy on "The Final Chapter" CD, but French musical lines are very, very, original, because Destinity's music combines damn good Metal phases made by keyboards and synthesizers. Band's 2 guitar players know very well to handle their instruments, proving us that Destinity is worthy of being elected as one of the best technical and melodic Thrash/Death Metal bands from the European underground scene. Zephyrous' and Nico's technical level, also their skills and improvements, show us that their careers were influenced by much known guitar players such as J. Murphy, P. Tägtgren, M. Amott or A. Laiho. The rhythm changes are very heavy, because guitar riffs or breaks are in a ceaseless search for the best melodic line. Sometimes aggressive, sometimes slow and melodical, Destinity's songs bring in front of its listeners an interesting conceptual album very well composed by band players. A high mark is taken by Hrafnagud, band's bass guitar player; his rhythm changes being one of the main attraction points of this CD. Destinity's drum sections seem to be the main catalyses of band composition process. Using a double pedal beat, Tyrael is helped by Morteus; this last one being the main responsible for some sampling phases. Generally speaking Destinity's music is a very, very complex one; and this thing prove that French musicians are very well prepared for a duel with world most technical Thrash/Death Metal bands ever. The band's lyrical content speaks about a human future full of genetically mutations, empty of time glorious gods. Anyway, these lyrics fit more than perfectly with the band's musical content, but with booklet cover artwork too. I consider that other words are useless if you don't get this album as soon as possible. So no more words needed, it is the final result of humanity. Nobody can't decide the future of an entire planet except Destinity.
Dežurni Krivci - "Strup"
(Slovenia, DK Records, Rock, 2007)

Dežurni Krivci (English for scapegoat) was founded in 1996 in Jurij ob Ščavnici, a small town in Slovenia. "Strup" (venom, poison...) is the third full length album besides a live record and a single.
The sound reminds me a lot of Therapy?'s experimental tracks like on "Suicide Pact..." for example, mixed with Queens Of The Stone Age and Turbonegro... but it's like they've wrote online: "...we create exclusively our own genuine music which is difficult to define because of the numerous styles of Rock'n'Roll that are interlaced in it..." In any case it's pure (Alternative/Stoner) Rock! The average length of the catchy songs is about three and a half minutes which is just right. The lyrics are not that poetic but rather meaningful fragments and quotes which fit very well in the concept, some in Slovenian but mostly in English (fortunately, because it's easier to achieve a brighter audience that way). I also like the dusty production of this record though they play very well (just listen to the guitar solos, Josh Homme couldn't do it much better) and Leon's smoky voice which makes the songs sound very mature. Some subtle electronic gimmicks which are placed in the background are perfecting the sound.
It's hard to pick a favourite song, this album is full of hits, but check out the dirty opener "Shut Up!", "Wanna Kill", also a filthy uptempo song, short and straight to the point (which also has an incredible cool video clip in the vein of Tarantino's movies) or "Devil Deamon" with it's arrogant but depressive "Fuck off"-attitude but the most "beautiful" song here is the longest one, "Don't Talk To Me! Never!" which starts as a tight Stoner Rock Ballad and increases to a loud and dramatic composition. This will make your flesh creep for sure!
I can't understand why (Rock) radios are so full of shit, there are dozens of bands who really deserve to be played! Check this band out, you can even download the whole album for free
here but I suggest you rather buy the beautiful digipak for just 10 Euros, if you like it! ...and you'll love it if you're into this kind of music!
Different State - "Knar"
(Poland, Zoharum Records, Industrial/Experimental, 2009)

Last year I reviewed a pretty good split CD featuring this Polish band, but I didn't know what they've done in the past. Nowadays Different State only consists of Marek Xavier Marchoff, who is responsible for most of the sounds, his wife Laura (female vocals) and a guitarist named Szczyglak, but in 1996 when "Knar" was first released, there were five members on "real" instruments like bass, guitars, keyboards and drums. So this re-release isn't a typical Industrial/Ambient album made with software only, this is a real band performing!
According to Zoharums website, this release is the most important album in the bands discography and many Polish journalists declared it as album of the year 1996. Well, maybe the Polish album of that year, but nevertheless it's a great one!
You can expect some Industrial Rock in the vein of Godflesh or the older Ministry releases. The mournful vocals and the overall depressive atmosphere are very well mixed with repetitive beats and original melodies. There are some strange structures, which don't fit with each other at first sight, but by and by they develop into really catchy tunes, like the "misplaced" guitar riffs and the sound of a cuckoo clock (!) in the opener or a melody similar to the ones used in the eighties TV series to increase the dramaturgy ("The Earthen Pettern"). There are lots of details waiting to be discovered!
The production somehow reminds me of the eighties, which is actually not bad, I just wonder if it's intended, and it seems like they've recorded this CD from an old damaged analog tape, there are some of this noises which only a tape can produce... But this is not really a problem. Far from it! It gives the album a nostalgic-like feeling. Actually these recordings are available for the first time on CD, so I might be right in my assumption.
There are also two (minimalist instrumental Ambient) bonus tracks on this re-release which are OK, though they're not really worth mentioning. I'm not sure but I think they were made more recently. Without those two songs, the album's length is only 37 minutes, but it's OK because of the high quality.
All in all I really recommend this CD, not only if you're into melancholic Industrial Rock! Be sure to get one of the nice 3-panel digipaks while stocks last!
Digitus In Recto - "Switch!!!"
(Czech Republic, Crystal Productions, Hardcore/Crossover, 2003)

This band seems to be free. They handle easily with all types of music, without destroying the structure of the single songs. Hardcore, Ska, a big portion of Punk, severally types of Metal ...all they can grab. I don't know, may I use the word Crossover nowadays? It's fun to listen to this album, there are a lot of sounds and instruments (?) to discover, including keyboards and programming, samples and all kind of (male and female) vocal lines from Luboslav and various guest singers. They are pretty good, sometimes a little funny, but that's intentional... I hope ;) The production is well done too.
I would compare this band to the late Pyogenesis mixed with some Offspring and a little Dog Fashion Disco... it's hard... I usually don't like this kind of music, but this one sounds fresh, I'll keep it in my collection and I'll even listen to it from time to time!
Digitus In Recto are playing since 1994, "Switch!!!" is the fifth release and it doesn't seem that they are trying to get big. Sounds more like they are making the music for themselves, for fun...
The first track starts with a cheap keyboard intro, followed by a Rammstein riff that transforms into a 80s melody... "Pure Pop" is the whole album united in one track, it's "Pop Metal", at the end you can even enjoy some growls. The rhythm of track 5 reminds me of a Nintendo game... and so on. My favourites are the title track, "Pure Pop" and the two coverversions: "Killer", originally by Seal and "The Little Commandment" ("The Great Commandment" by Camouflage) which is Death'n'Roll with a really great voice at the end. Track 9 continues in that manner, it's like they wrote it in the eighties.
I've listened very carefully to this album, because I wanted to write a constructive review (due to the fact that it's not my kind of music) and it really found ist way to my heart :) Well done!
A 10 minute multimedia track can also be found on the CD ...live performances and something about the band... in Czech :P
The Website is in Czech too, but a new album seem to be out, that's the only thing I've understood, maybe I'll find a way to review it too;)
Din-Addict - "Music For Opened Minds"
(Hungary, Bizarre Leprous Production, Brutal Death/Grind Metal, 2005)

A fuckin' real brutal symphony is unleashed with the first accord of this album's opening track called "You Explored Your Female Sexuality In The Jail", and it continues on the whole content of this CD! Recorded back in August 2003, this album, with a 27 songs content, benefits by the work of 2 of the best singers ever I'd like to name here Jirszky (Jack) and Sajt (Reach Out), the last one being invited by band members to give a helping hand in the recording process of this album. Centred to a combination between the Brutal Death/Hardcore and the grinding parts, "Music For Opened Minds" seems to be a kind of a very interesting work! Generally speaking, this product seems to be a little bit undergrounded, and that things are possible thanks to band's funny lyrics. Probably your attention will surelly attracted by titles such as: "Your Boyfriend's Boyfriend" (a parody song originally played by Type O Negative under the title "My Girlfriend's Girlfriend"), "Being Trendy In 2003 Too", "Economy Is Gay", "Pop Music Will Never Die" or "Hate Me"! All in all "Music For Opened Minds" isn't a bad album at all; however, I'd like that the new album to be much more interesting than this one is. If these hungarians will try to extract all the good things that we can hear on this album and combining with some technical elements and raw Metal lines we can surelly say that Din-Addict have found the succes key!
Dirty Infamous - "Die On Pure Adrenaline"
(Indonesia, Bizarre Leprous Production, Brutal Death/Grind Metal, 2004)

What we got here is a very good Brutal Death/Grind Metal band hailling from Indonesia; and "Die On Pure Adrenaline" shows that this combo succeeded to find a great deal with one of the most interesting extreme Metal labels ever, Bizarre Leprous Production! But if I'm not wrong this seems to be a re-record material and the copyright is divided with another very brutal home recording called Rottrevore Records. A cave voice, a demented drum section and a very interesting guitar and bass guitar, because Firman handles both instruments, seems to be Dirty Infamous' musical prescription to the most devoted fans of this extreme Metal musical genre! All these ingredients are very well combined with interesting lyrics that deals with remarkable knowledge about medicine, social and horror themes; stuning lyrics which forms an unitary whole, very well played by band members. The rhythmycal changes and all the technical moments are very intense, showing us a very good and interesting band! However we can find some listless moments too, which repeats frequently almost the same paces that creates a certain disconfort and a strange sensation. On the whole "Die On Pure Adrenaline" is a very good album, provocative enough I could say, an interesting material which will probably become one of the best from its musical area.
Dissimulation - "Maras"
(Lithuania, Ledo Takas, Black/Death Metal, 2003)

Killer release from this Lithuanian band. Sick music making you think about the old Mayhem (especially the riffing). Eleven songs (including the ones from the "Miglose" demo), and a cover from Kreator ("Tormentor"), which will blow you away and make you beg for more. The lyrics are written in Lithuanian but you have the English translation in the booklet too. Lycanthropy, dark arts, and mystery are some subjects here. The cover artwork is unique in its own kind... pictures of funerary... sick!
Dogface - "2 Song Promo"
(U.S.A., Mama's Boy Records, Punk Rock, 2003)

Not really used to review this kind of music. Dogface are playing Punk oriented Rock with some Ska and a little bit of Hardcore, they have the usual Punk breaks (right where you don't expect them), they are having a little bit of aggressive passages from time to time which is very welcomed but in general their music is mid/slow tempo. They've released a 7 song EP which I think that is still available under the contact adress. From that EP on this promo is featured the song "Stand And Deliver", also here is a live version of another song from that EP called "The Breathing Method" which appears in a version that is not available on the EP. From my point of view they are sounding better live. I guess that the ones who like Ska and Punk Rock will like this band too.
Dol Ammad - "Electonica Art Metal"
(Greece, Lightbridge Productions, Progressive Metal, 2002)

I sincerely admit that I haven't listened to such music until this MCD/Demo CD arrived in my mailbox. Stylistically you can compare this with Black Metal, this music having that speed and aggressiveness but not having the ferocity and Satanic/Pagan ideology. Another difference is that they are not using a single vocalist but not less than eleven which are forming the Europa choir. For the vocal part the only band that I know and is using this kind of vocalic theme is Therion. I'm counting on this band for the future; it could be a revelation in the scene. My favourite songs form this release are "Vortex 3003" and "The Kill Of Hope". Interested in quality music?
Dorn - "Spiegel Der Unendlichkeit"
(Germany, CCP Records, Dark Metal, 2007)

Dorn (English: thorn, spine) was founded by former Riger keyboarder Roberto back in 1998. After he recorded the first three albums all on his own, he expanded the project and released "Suriel" in 2004 together with four further members, featuring female vocals for the first time. To date the band consists of Sebastian on drums, Michael on bass and himself who is doing the guitars, keyboards and vocals. "Spiegel Der Unendlichkeit" (Mirror Of Infinity) is the fifth release, again on CCP Records, the small label from Linz.
A threatening intro opens the first track - evil spoken (grunted, to be more precise) phrases, eerie keyboards and some electronic gimmicks before double bass drums and fast staccato riffs set in. Dorn's music is majestical, poetical and fragile but also evil, heroical and prideful at the same time... These adjectives may be positive, but not all at the same time, the mixture here is a little exaggerated... I would describe it as melodic Dark Metal with some Death and Black Metal elements and a subtle touch of Samael, it's a pretty original sound I think, nevertheless something is missing to make it really special - or there's too much of something, I'm not sure... the compositions are varied, the sound is almost perfect (the guitars could be a lot more louder than the keyboards) and still it sounds a little cheap to me, maybe because it's filled with all kinds of those bombastic keyboards (as well as classic piano sounds and other electronic details) which remind me of a soundtrack to an ancient battle, maybe because I understand what Roberto is singing and I don't really like the verses and this kind of vocals. "The lyrics deal with the cycles between the decline and the rebirth of powers and their impacts and structures, along with the way humanity interprets and transforms them..." says the info. They're written in an abstract way to allow the listener to interpret the actual meaning of the message without bias. To me it seems like enforced poetry in a way, like he tried to adapt some famous style and didn't manage to do it the right way... Anyway, without the printed lyrics you can't understand almost anything at all, so it doesn't really matter... especially if you're not mastering the German language. In this case it's even a positive fact because it sounds more exotic and vigorous... like Rammstein on Death/Black Metal sometimes... I can't find a song-highlight I could write about, except for the opener "Eisglanz" maybe, which has all of the trademarks combined...
I guess this review is kind of a mess, it took me very long to write it and I'm still not sure about it... Just check out the free mp3's on the website and you'll have your own opinion, I suppose a lot of you will like this band, it's just not my kind of music.
Down From The Wound - "Piercing Through The Veil Of Lies"
(Philippines, Self released, Brutal Death Metal, 2006)

Massive brutality brought to you this time from Asia. On this demo, although short, you can hear the best possible Brutal Death Metal (the production could have been better though). There are four songs featured here, ranging from 01:36 to 3:39 minutes, mid to high tempo, a gurgling voice, in the vein of U.S. Brutal Death Metal bands, also some Hardcore influences can be found here and there, but overall this is a pure Metal stab. The songs are not quite original but you really can feel that they play with passion.
Being on their official website I just saw that they have signed with Sevared Records, and in my opinion they really deserve to be in this brutal label's rooster. A short demo here filled with perverse Death Metal from these sick heads, especially for fans of Devourment/Deeds Of Flesh. What comes "Down From The Wound"? Puss! And they are leaking!
Draco Hypnalis - "Imagination"
(Czech Republic, Zero Budget Productions, Experimental Metal, 2007)

The first ideas for Draco Hypnalis were developed in 1995 when Ivoš (bass, programming) met Mira (guitars, keyboards, programming) and founded the band. It took them five years to release the first recordings entitled "Nobleness Of The Storm-Gatherer" on a split MC with Romantic Love, a Techno Death Metal band. The first full length album "Weavers Of Unrest" was recorded in 2002 but released only in 2005 due to problems with the label at that time. A sad history, I hope they'll have more luck with Zero Budget Productions, despite the name of this new label ;)
This is a weird album! Because of the chaotic arrangements I couldn't resist listening to it all at once. I've reviewed the latest Parasophisma (also a band form the Czech Republic which was signed by the same label) album some days ago and I liked it very much so I've expected more from this one but it's not that exciting.
In the main the music is hard to categorize (the self-description is melodic atmospheric technical Death/Black Metal) which in general is a very positive fact, but something is missing though there are some interesting passages included. Sometimes they remind me of Vader mixed with Black/Dark Metal elements, sometimes of medieval music with Techno beats and old Nintendo (!) sounds... The most disturbing elements here are the penetrating keyboards and electronic melodies which are mixed in the foreground (even louder than the guitars!). They're not that bad in some cases, for example in "Symphony In E Minor" where they're imitating an accordion and a violin (reminds me of a cartoon soundtrack) but it sounds somehow cheap. Also the drum machine bothers me a little though I like its sound very much generally but it this case it sounds pretty dull. What I like about it are the sudden blast beat parts like Carnival In Coal uses them again and again, just not that heavy. The (dirty) vocals are very varied, from clean ones to screams and growls, fitting to the different styles that are combined together... You can call this album progressive but you can also call it chaos, I can't find any coherences. I really don't know what more I could write about this one, I've given it some tries but it didn't work at all... Check out some songs on
www.myspace.com/dracohypnalis and form your own opinion.
Dragobrath - "Sculpture Of The Woods"
(Ukraine, Stygian Crypt Productions, Symphonic Pagan Black Metal, 2006)

Hey, this release was a real surprise, but just from the other side and I mean a huge disillusionment of a material I just been listened to. So, these guys tried to play Pagan Black Metal with Carpathian touches (they live there), but this attempt was not successful. Really poor and boring riffs, ugly drum-machine rhytms just demonstrate that musicians had to work much on their creation. Also we can determine similarity to Dark Metal project called Capitollium from Lviv too, which I always disliked due to its soft and sweet sound. Probably, the most interesting song on this disc is penultimate track called "Anamorphosis Into The Ancient Aeons", which is interested and not boring. So, the last song (a bonus track), which is a cover of "Transylvanian Hunger" is sick parody on original Dark Throne song. I think, this album is really unchancy release of Stygian Crypt and for band I recommend to seek another ways of Pagan touches, 'coz current material have to be improved thoroughly.
Dysentery - "Sickening Thoughts"
(Germany, Self released, Death Metal, 2002)

This band was formed in 1991 and until now they had some releases. This MCD brings 4 new songs + the intro "Dead Silence" and a cover from Carcass's classic "Go To Hell". This band tries to sound like Carcass and you can tell that by the manner of the compositions which are very influenced by the "Swansong"/"Heartwork" era. They are not sounding that bad but they are not the best underground band either. If you're a fan of Carcass and if you're looking for Carcass copycats try Dysentery...