Gigan - "Quasi-Hallucinogenic Sonic Landscapes"
(U.S.A., Willowtip Records, Progressive Extreme Metal, 2011)

After the "Footsteps Of Gigan" EP in 2007 and the debut album "The Order Of The False Eye" (Napalm Records) in 2008, this will be the band's second album since the formation in 2006.
Gigan (a Japanese movie monster) from Tampa/Florida consists of John Collett (vocals), Kesava Doane (drums) and the founding member Eric Hersemann who is responsible for all the concepts and music. Beside the guitars and the bass, he also played some other (rather strange) instruments on this record, like theremin, xylophone or a synthesizer.
Bands like Hate Eternal or Vital Remains were (or still are) part of Gigan's story, so this is not really a newcomer but a further development of what's been there before. Nevertheless it's a kind of music that's really fresh and new! me, at least.
The eight painstakingly arranged songs are challenging your mind non-stop. 46 minutes of progressive extreme Metal full of deep growls and sharp screams, freaky double bass attacks, rhythmic abnormalities, intense recurring noisy structures, sophisticated guitar solos and lyrics which are pretty sure beyond your fantasies. Here and there noises that sound like distorted chainsaws are pushing the hardness even more forward! Psychedelic brutality might be the right term for a lot of passages here. As soon as the 70s-like synthesizer intro ends, a storm of drums and guitar riffs sets in like a well coordinated battle plan, and there's no breather until the last song's outro!
However, the music is not easy to digest. This album is one of the most complex, abstract and chaotic works I've ever heard (I wonder how they manage to play this live) and honestly, the first time I've listened to it I couldn't pay too much attention to what came out of the speakers, too much seemed to happen in one track. Over-saturated music listeners who download several albums a day will not have the patience for compositions like this and that's a pity! OK, I think I've made the same mistake with other good albums, but that's another story...
I have to admit that there's a reason why I've listened to this over and over again: I did the artwork for the CD/gatefold vinyl which will be out in June this year on Willowtip Records. However, I would not write these words if I wasn't that excited!
Give it a real try and you will love it for sure!
Glorior Belli - "Meet Us At The Southern Sign"
(France, Candlelight Records, Black Metal, 2009)

Founded back in December 2002 by Antares & Infestvvs, Glorior Belli released its first demo material very soon, in June 2004, and they called this one "Evil Archaic Order". One year later this gang comes back with its first full length entitled "Lavdate Dominvs", a record emitting a mesmerizing otherworldly resonance that cannot be denied; "an ominous rumble and surge, always moving forward to various points of tension & terror" as they like to say!
Band's second material called "Manifesting The Raging Beast" was released 2 years ago under the banner of Southern Lord Records, this album conquering fans black souls, spooking about the darkest secrets and affirmed its personality toward the genre!
In summer 2008 Glorior Belli have inked a new deal with Candlelight Records in Europe & North America, and here we have band's 3rd official release to date, a material called "Meet Us At The Southern Sign". Consisting of 11 songs this album represents the best work done until now by this French combo; a super catchy material, being in the same time suffocating black & grim! A strangely melodic bent that helps it to stand out from other Black Metal records; filled with seasick riffs, guttural vocals and surprisingly melodic lines, despite their exquisitely filthy and brutal nature!
Probably one of the best albums ever in its musical area; a material that shows us that the French extreme Metal scene is one of the most impressive in the latest years or so! By the way, if you meet some Indie Rock lines inside this material don't worry and keep listening 'til the end because Glorior Belli knows damn well to combine musical lines and the result speaks for itself! This is the way it should be from now on in this extreme Metal area!
Goat Semen - "Demo"
(Peru, Devils Arts Productions, Black Metal, 2003)

This tape arrived to me in bad shape but after some engineering I've managed to make it as new, well... except the pro printed plastic case of the tape with those cool inverted crucifixes, he he. Coming to music this is a mixture of Black and Death Metal all played at high speed. This is the band of Lord Levifer which also has the project Levifer and is more into Black Metal than his other band which is labeled as Black Metal. Goat Semen (cool name) kicks ass on this demo which is a re-release of the original demo from 2000 + some bonus songs. I can see the easiness of playing this kind of music for this band and the pleasure to do it. This is recommended for all the Death/Black Metal maniacs. The best band from Peru I've listened so far in this extreme genre.
Goatpenis - "Semen 1992 – Anno Domini"
(Brazil, Infernus Rex, Raw Black Metal, 2004)

As the title implies, this is not a new recording from anti-human terrorists Goatpenis, but a 1992 demo that has remained unreleased up 'til now. As one would expect from a 1992 demo, this has a filthy rehearsal tape sound quality, which has far too much treble; the cymbals pretty much drown most other instruments out during the fast parts. On the whole though, the tempo is slightly slower than their later material; instead "Semen" prefers to lurch menacingly from song to song, Sabboath's evil modulated riffs being punctuated by various sound-bytes concerning death, war and, err, the end of the world. People yet to hear this cult band would be advised to check out their debut CD "Inhumanization", which has a slightly more ear-friendly production. For fans like me, however, this is a dirty, decayed, filth-encrusted diamond.
God - "Hell & Heaven"
(Portugal, Khaeotica Productions, Viking Metal, 2006)

Damn, when I heard about this band first, I was just dumbfounded: Viking Metal from Portugal? According the official biography, two brothers Lăpușneanu from gloomy Transylvania (Romanian side, of course) have found the band in Lusitanian land and decided not to spend the time on searching for original moniker and took simply and loud name God. How it be possible, to sing about the Norsemen onto warm place? But damn, it's enough to taste the music and all the stereotypes and wrong clichés that has been described above, just fell relentlessly!!! I have to confess I didn't listen to such original music a long ago!!! God just takes away any critics and enchant listener by majestic and magic sounds. Majestic melodic drop us into the depths of ancient world, which was made with the help of mentioned musicians. I can't say, it's a Viking Metal with Pagan touches, because this music remembers some special, "archaic" atmosphere, but has nothing with North herself. Sometimes, keyboard's passages emphasize pompous and majestic touches in the best traditions of Opera IX. Yes, exactly! Guys decided to sing on three different languages and used English, Portuguese and Romanian speech. The most prominent song for me is "Barbarian Gods", singed on English, but with strong and expressive Portuguese accent as Fernando's voice (Moonspell). And that charming flute, like battle background, which embodied warriors on the onslaught. Huh, I hear as something ancient awakening into the soul, I feel the call of blood! And next sad track complements the previous song, as the remembrance of that barbaric, but beautiful world... And only one bad thing, I could determine on this great MCD: how the last song start... Hey, what the hell motorcycle's noise there? Are there Vikings? Not actually and destroy all the atmosphere of antiquity that was mentioned above. It's only one defect I want to talk about. But as I said, the album just kills and deserves your attention. Hola!
Goliard - "Artissimae Tenebrae"
(Ukraine, Griffin Music, Black Metal, 2004)

I picked this CD up in a sale on the off chance; since it was from Ukraine and bands from that country are normally very good. Goliard did not disappoint me in the slightest and gave favourable impressions from the fine artwork which uses paintings from Pieter Bruegal and Hieronymous Bosch, which exude quality the way a photocopied cover and badly drawn logo does not. Originality is not really the name of the game here, since "Artissimae Tenebrae" sounds almost exactly like "In The Nightside Eclipse" era Emperor. There's also a slight flavour of early Astrofaes. The music can be described as technically excellent Black Metal, with fizzy guitars, fast, precise drum patterns and layers of atmospheric synths (the latter of which seem to drown out the guitars a little bit, but that's a minor quibble). A truly flawless cover of "I Am The Black Wizards" crown this release. Fans of the mid 90s Norwegian sound simply must hear this band!
Goreopsy - "Intentional Disfiguration"
(Slovakia, Life Fluid Production, Deathgrind, 2000)

Probably one of the most extreme Metal bands ever signed to Life Fluid Production, Goreopsy, is back with a MCD that will probably forecasts band new full length. Although "Intentional Disfiguration" contains just 5 songs and one intro, I discovered band succesfull recipe! Goreopsy isn't a very technical band, but its constituents tries to find very interesting elements that can make this CD to have a very interesting final result. Centered upon the basical Death Metal element, but filled with slowcore moments too, Goreopsy makes its songs to sound very good and to produce a unique and pleasantly feeling from the first hearing of "Intentional Disfiguration". Although Goreopsy doesn't use to much the technical elements, this Slovakian band have found an interesting formula for this mixture of Brutal Death with Grind lines. This material abounds in rhythm changes and devastating bass guitar attacks, that pass very easy from the brutal tempos to mid or slower moments of extreme Metal music. Band drum section is a very low one although it was realised with the help of a drum machine. But we can find some good blasts too, in the end the result being an artifficial one evidently! Singer's vocal tunes are very guttural and with a very low level; and my point of view is that the pig vokills are naturally made and the singer use no fuckin' vocal efects. I like that the whole ensemble made by Goreopsy is very well supported by an impressive lyrical content, something in the old Carcass way, but with a very bizarre artwork?! Characterized by aggressive guitar riffs, unbelievable bass guitar hard attacks and inhuman vokills, "Intentional Disfiguration" prooves to be one of the most important products ever recorded by an Australian label. I can't wait for the new album to see if it will reveal me new elements or new arrangements in band's musical content!
Gorerotted - "Mutilated In Minutes"
(U.K., Identified By Dental Records, Brutal Death Metal, 2004)

When I received this CD I was a little bit surprised, because I never heard of Identified By Dental Records; but, after a while, Joanna, the head manager of this brutal label told me that Identified By Dental Records is the same home recording with Dead Again Records. I remembered having received a Promo CD with 5 tracks, also 5 bands, sent me some time ago by John from Gorerotted. As you can see "Mutilated In Minutes" was republished by this new/old label, with a brand new artwork and a new mix version. A very good idea in my point of view, especially if we take into consideration that Identified By Dental Records is new on the market. Probably one of the best Brutal Death Metal acts ever recorded in the European underground, "Mutilated In Minutes" offers us a 9 tracks set in the U.S. Brutal Death Metal way of playing; an impressive volcanic eruption, here we can find well combined guitar solos, cave vokills and an impressive horror series who can make Stephan King trembling to death. Because I consider Gorerotted one of the best bands in the area, you'll probably understand there is no chance to talk about musical influences in this case. As I was told you before the British succeeded to create a deadly and powerful product, an incredible journey in a hallucinating universe filled with serial murderers and sexual maniacs. All these ideas, transposed on a musical background succeed, again, to make me understand why is Gorerotted one of the most appreciated European Death Metal bands. What was the final result of a so cheered album? They have signed recently a recording deal with one of the most known brutal labels one Earth, called Metal Blade; a label who's going to record with Gorerotted a brand new album, "Only Tools And Corpses". CD artwork is signed by Jake, a fine artist from! All these things make "Mutilated In Minutes" to be a cult album, probably one of the best 50 in the Brutal Death Metal history. So don't hessitate to buy this album, because you'll find it a killer product and without doubt a top one!
Gorezone - "Brutalities Of Modern Domination"
(Germany, Xtreem Music Records, Brutal Death Metal, 2009)

What I got here is Death Metal! The brutal way!!! Hailing from Germany, Gorezone is one of the most important extreme Death Metal bands out there, mostly for their very original way of playing, but for the dedication too! With 2 albums and a promo CD behind, Gorezone participated at the "Grind 'Em All" Tour in 2004! Soon after that a new promo CD was settled and they signed a deal with mighty Extreem Music Records from Spain; a deal that saw its fruits in today's "Brutalities Of Modern Domination" album!
Recorded in different studios with 2 singers in the same time, the album took over 7 months to be recorded, but the final result is a very good one and it deserves full attention from media and fans side. Including 11 songs this new opus is for sure band's best album ever; a step forward in Gorezone's career, probably for the German extreme Death Metal area too! Being influenced by the U.S. Brutal Death Metal, Malignancy, Lividiy, Deeds Of Flesh, Deaden or Fleshgrind, Gorezone succeed to find the perfect combination in doing something very interesting and well done, but very original too! Taking influences from the actual world wide situation, the lyrical concept speaks about politics and social criticism: it's about how power is being used to suppress people, how people are suffering from globalization and finally the mechanisms behind that, as they use to say!
The musical content is very interesting and varied, dealing mostly Brutal Death Metal lines; but we can find here technical parts too, awesome guitar solos, excellent rhythm changes and a Core attack Metal attitude that left me speechless! I could say that Gorezone is the German response on Lividity/Fleshgrind, and that's for sure a comparison that they should be proud of. The cover artwork was released by the Italian artist Marco Hasmann, and in my point of view is the perfect image about what we hear for about 45 minutes.
In the end I'd like to say that "Brutalities Of Modern Domination" is that album I was looking for since a while; the perfect occasion to hear something of good quality and a band totally devoted to this way of playing!
Gothërfall - "Blacksphere Architecture"
(Canada, Self released, Symphonic Black Metal, 2006)

Gothërfall is a newborn capella (saluting from Quebec, Canada) which decided to make an own name under the wings of modern Metal trend. The band have mixed different elements of extreme music, even those, which are far from each other, and as the result we have got "Blacksphere Architecture" – piece of quality recorded, but souless sound: Meta Black Metal (yeah, that's right – the quality is on the very high level, as sound, so killer booklet), as the band described themselves, is not a Black Metal in whole. It's a syntheses of rapidly riffs, powered by massive symphonic elements and keyboards, which even too enough for me, as a die-hard metaller. "Glamour" Gothic elements are dominated there. Sometimes, the music sounds in the vein of new Emperor, sometimes in the vein of Susperia/Dimmu Borgir, but the orchestral paintings and experimental ways shall be determined during listening to all the album. If you like the trend stuff like Cradle Of Filth, Dimmu Borgir and The Kovenant, for sure, you shall piss from this album, which was made with all the canons of "popular" Metal music and be the absolutely masterpiece for you. But as for me, it's better to listen to raw and ugly Black Metal antihuman attack, than this commercial art for widely auditory.
Gothmog - "A Step In The Dark"
(Spain, Xtreem Music Records, Melodic Black Metal)

Hailing from Alicante/Spain, Gothmog really impressed me from the first hearing with its awesome melodically Black Metal music; something that I was searching since a few years, and probably the best band signed to Xtreem Music besides Avulsed and Vidres A La Sang! Founded a few years ago, in the summer of 2005, under the name Torn Asunder, this band started very soon to rehearse and it played the very first gigs soon after that! After some personal changes and some live appearances they have started to work on band's first album "A Step In The Dark", and very soon they entered Fernando Asensi's studio in Valencia, and so the first opus was recorded!
This first official material was released in January 2009 by Xtreem Music Records, the national label, and it reveals us a very, very, good Black Metal band; a Black Metal very well combined with melodically lines and with some extremely intelligent Heavy Metal phases, a very interesting musical content that seems to be closer to Dimmu Borgir, Immortal or Emperor. In my point of view this musical content has more to do with Catamenia or Empyrium, but the musical influences are so varied today that leaves no space for some other comments. Gothmog is for sure the biggest surprise coming from Xtreem Music roster, a Black Metal gang that knows fuckin' well how to play this kind of extreme Metal, a name that very soon will tell much more things that it does right now! I think that some other words are useless if you don't get this awesome material as soon as possible; a chance to see how a Spanish Black Metal band combines aggressively a Raw Black Metal attitude with a lot of melodically lines and very skilled Heavy Metal moments, something well emphasized by musical lines that brings in front of us a lot of interludes made by guitar in the purest Spanish old vein. If you imagine how a melodically Black Heavy Metal corida sounds like, than I assure you that this is the most important release I heared this year! And if you'll try to add a vocal score à la Immmortal, and sometimes Dimmu Borgir, you have the whole content of an awesome material signed Gothmog! Keep an eye on this combo, buy all its materials and keep spreading the word on Gothmog; it really deserves!
Grand Belial's Key - "Kosherat"
(U.S.A., Drakkar Productions, Black Metal, 2005)

After two great full length albums, I had big expectations on GBK's new album. Production is excellent and songs are excellent, things I also listened carefeul was job of new members, new drummer and new vocalist. Because ex-member Cazz Grant did splendid job in GBK, and so do new members too. As two first albums, "Kosherat" doesn't bore, and last listening many times once more. Music is variable and original, song structures are interresting. Riffs are not typical, in addition to Black Metal you can hear influences from Death Metal in music too, and even some Punk influences. Last two songs are Chaos 88 covers, and I liked them too. I cannot name any favourite songs over others, because all songs are excellent. If you don't have new album already, get this masterpiece.
Grave Desecrator - "Cult Of Warfare And Darkness"
(Brazil, Ketzer Records, Black Metal, 2004)

More old style Black Metal from the depths of the Brazilian rain forests, this time courtesy of Grave Desecrator. Two tracks of totally primitive, distortion-soaked noise played by face painted thugs with more spikes and bulletbelts than the front line at the Somme. The first track "Faces Of Apocalyptic Battle" is a brutal Thrash track in the classic Sarcofago vein, and the B side "Holocaust" is a huge reverberating wall of sound with one of the most wicked choruses you are likely to hear. For fans of Bloodlust and Perversion - this is essential stuff!
Graven - "The Shadows Eternal Call"
(Germany, Undercover Records, Black Metal, 2005)

Dark Throne, Mayhem, Immortal. "Under A Funeral Moon", "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas", "Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism". "Natassja In Eternal Sleep", "Freezing Moon", "Unholy Forces Of Evil". If this appeal to you then you'll love this release by Graven if you are seeking for original unheard, revolutionary etc., bullshit then search somewhere else!
This release from Graven is timeless and circular. "Raven's Circle" the first song is in perfect correlation with the last "The Shadows Eternal Call", and if you listen to this again and again you'll find yourself spinning through a dark vortex not knowing where it starts and if it ever ends! Great mid-tempo perfectly balanced songs are to be found like "Swarm Of The Night" and "From A Distant Past". Truly recommended for true Black Metal fans, also this comes with a crystal clear production so you can fell the entire atmosphere created by these howling wolves! I can't write more because all that is to be found here can't be criticized being known that all has been already said by the first sentences of this review. Cult!
Grossmember - "Leave Us Alone"
(Poland, Bizarre Leprous Production, Grincore, 2004)

Finally I have the great opportunity to hear how a polish Grindcore band sounds like. As you can see this CD called "Leave Us Alone" is some kind of warning for those that don't like this kind of extreme Metal. I'll start this review with the lyrical content of Grossmember, this band being totally into the social or political themes; something in the Napalm Death way if you want. Grossmember provides a very interesting musical combination between Hardcore and Grindcore. Its 24 songs succeeding to impress me very much through the simplicity, Grossmember being that kind of band that doesn't use too much the technical fireworks. Between all the songs stands out an interesting cover version originally played by the gore-horror masters Impetigo. We can also find here 2 other interesting cover songs taken from Ulcerous Phlegm and Shitlickers. This album signed Grossmember profits by 4 bonuses taken from band's split CD with Cock And Ball Torture. The instruments are very well played, especially the drums and the two guitars. The vocals are in Pigsty's way of playing, Grossmember using the guttural scores in a combination with the screaming pig tones and the Hardcore elements. The cover artwork is in a tight connection with the lyrical themes. "Leave Us Alone" sound and production is a very good one, Hertz Studio and Gold Rock Studio succeeding to emphasize Grossmember's way of playing. In the end "Leave Us Alone" proves to be that kind of an album that you should get as soon as possible.
Groteskh - "Unconsciousness"
(Austria, Noisehead Records, Black Metal, 2013)

Groteskh from Carinthia is a
freshly started Black Metal band but the members have already released several albums with their main bands. After
Hellsaw's decision to go on an indefinite hiatus, Malthus (guitars, vocals) has formed Groteskh together with Obscure's Goreman on guitar, Necrosodomizer of Vomition on bass and Irdorath's drummer T. Martyr.
The debut album "Unconsciousness" was recorded in Munich's Dreamsound Studios and features 39 minutes of Black Metal in the vein of early Dimmu Borgir and Old Man's Child. I also notice some Immortal and Satyricon reminiscences (the beginning of "Pride" sounds almost exactly like "Mother North") but I can hear some originality in the compositions as well. What I like most are the rather unusual details like distorted squeaking guitars or submarine sonar sounds. Especially "...At Death" (which follows after the perfect, modern intro "Bloodline") is a really great Black Metal track with a melancholic mood, much tempo changes and angry but still strange and somehow sick vocals. The band's self-description is "Angry and maniac Black Metal" and they are dressed in suits at live shows and on the promo pics, so they're not 100% "traditional". Whatever that term is supposed to mean... The Spanish-influenced acoustic middle part in "Reek Of Betrayal" should also be mentioned, as well as the last song "Ghosts", which is a kind of a Black Metal "ballad" with clean vocals and an eerie atmosphere. I can actually hear Hellsaw's melancholy and despair in the songs very often. Malthus' vocals have some really strange moments and I think he sounds best when he's "desperate". I like it much better than the constantly furious screaming...
It was a small Black Metal evening in an underground club where I saw and heard them first. I didn't know the band before and had no expectations (like always when I attend this kind of events) but they've impressed me quite much. Especially the drummer who played the pretty complex drum parts while banging his head and spinning his sticks all the time. I don't know much about drumming but he's a good one for sure! The whole gig was full of energy and all members seemed to have very much fun playing their stuff. Ok, at least one of them was without a doubt in love with himself, but that's another story... Unfortunately the studio versions of the songs are not that impressive. It's not the music itself but the sound, which is not raw enough and loses much of the energy and power they have on stage. Anyway, it's not a big problem but still one worth to mention, because you might think my high rating is inappropriate when you check them out...
I really can't describe the music more precisely but rather compare it to other bands I know from this genre, so all in all, this album is not a reinvention of anything, but (!) still a very good one for fans of the mentioned bands/styles. And if they stay together and refine their sound a little bit, I'm sure that the next release(s) will be even better!
At the end I'd like to mention something about the artwork. There's a picture of a naked woman in the booklet, a pretty good photography which they also had on side drops on stage. Unfortunately the woman's genitals are censored and I've heard that it was the label's idea. This little detail might be unimportant to most of you, but it made me think a lot about rebellion, censorship and label/sale guidelines... What's the point in being Black Metal if you're not even allowed to show a pussy in your booklet? I'm sure you know what I mean...
Grimness 69 - "illHeaven Hells"
(Italy, Xtreem Music Records, Grindcore, 2009)

As you can see this is probably the first Grindcore band under the banner of Xtreem Music; and, as usual in the Xtreem Music roster, a very good combo, skilled, talented and full of promising things from now on! Although this is band's second effort since now, "illHeaven Hells" shows us that we have to deal with a very experienced extreme Metal gang; a name that represents very good the Italian underground scene in the latest years!
About this band I'd like you to know that it started 8 years ago from the ashes of the old Hardcore/Grind combo Vallium, and the first name of this Metal act was Grimness. As they love to say the main influences come from bands like Anal Cunt, 7 Minutes Of Nausea or Gore Beyond Necropsy, all these being mixed with a dose of nihilist speed Punk à la Rupture, Nihilist and a few others! The first releases where some split EPs with Groinchurn, Viscera and Holocausto Cannibal, the last one from Portugal. After a appearance at the Czech Obscene Extreme Festival in 2003, the first line-up change brought in band J.C. Hooker, a drummer with many good ideas and with a Death/Black influence extremely appreciated by the other band constituents.
After a mini-tour with Polish grinders Deformed, they decided to change band's name and soon after that Grimness 69 opened some live acts for Spanish gore masters Avulsed with the occasion of their European tour in 2005! In the end of the year the first official material was released and it was called "Grimness Avenue 69"; and the band signs a deal with the Spanish Grotesque Productions for the release of this first full length album out in November. 2007 seems to be a very important year in band's career, with many shows across the whole Europe together with Pungent Stench, Gorerotted and Sinister, plus a deal with Alkemist Fanatix Europe as a manager!
Recorded during October/November 2007, "illHeaven Hells" will very soon be released on 2 different labels: Embrace My Funeral Records for the United States and all the south and central American market and Copro Records for the worldwide release. Soon after that a new European tour was done together with Inhume and Disgorge, this one being the first occasion to present the new member Dr. Faustus. This year band passed a serious line-up problem, with the depart of former member The Pig who was very soon replaced by Nerve, singer of Deadly Strain and Anal Disgorge, and in the same breath The Fool (guitarist in Motherly Sin) joins in the band at the bass guitar. After the first good responses on "illHeaven Hells" the Spanish Xtreem Music licenses this album worldwide and the band decides to support again this new re-release with another tour with Avulsed and Emeth.
As we can see things are looking great for this combo, and I'm 100% that we are going to hear soon about this Italian act; "illHeaven Hells" being for sure a big surprise for me, probably one of the most interesting albums ever in this kind. In the end I'd say that Grimness 69 brought me something very special, like never before; and I realised that "illHeaven Hells" is a unique material of its kind, the perfect choice for a die-hard Grindcore freak like me!
Through that over 30 minutes of Grindcore massacre some things changed inside me, and I realised, again, that this was the first occasion to see how a so good material could merge with my feelings and thoughts. The final result of this communion has liberated my own demons, long lost forgotten!
Griftegård - "Solemn · Sacred · Severe"
(Sweden, Van Records, Doom Metal, 2009)

Recently I started a new collaboration with a German label called Van Records. The first so called "fruit" of this cooperation is this CD signed Griftegård; a band that I was surprised of, mostly for its Doom Metal playing manner! I'd say that band's musical way seems to be closer to that Funeral Doom we are talking in the latest years, this time with a very interesting combination between the Doom elements and an occult Rock attitude; probably one of the first combos playing this genre I'm listening too. The vocal score is a normal one, but the musical content reminds me about Mourning Beloveth from Ireland; a musical whole that combines very good some elements, I'd say, taken from Deep Purple's creations!
Consisting in only 6 tracks, "Solemn · Sacred · Severe" brings in front of us a Doom Metal musical content that I like even if it don't have guttural vokills; and all the time with that Mourning Beloveth attitude, but very original in the end! Extremely heavy and slow this material makes me a very good impression, being in the same time depressive but aggressive too; I really don't know if you get it in the end, but it brought me so many emotions that I have no words to describe it.
But I'll let you know what is all about with this material because honestly is very hard for me to describe the things I like so much! So, Funeral Doom Metal combined damn well with an occult Rock attitude, mainly influenced by Deep Purple, with some Pop elements and some Core Metal attacks on guitar and bass guitar, this is the musical content offered by mighty Griftegård on its last opus called "Solemn · Sacred · Severe"! In my opinion this is one of the most impressive albums I've listened in the latest years or so, a band extremely skilled, a musical content full of so good things that left me speechless for almost 50 minutes! Try this new masterpiece and you won't be disappointed!!!
Gruesome Malady - "Infected With Virulent Seed"
(India, Bizarre Leprous Production, Grindcore, 2004)

As you can probably figure we got here another exotic band, because Gruesome Malady comes from far India. "Infected With Virulent Seed" is a 10 track Grindcore album, with an ordinary lyrical concept use by almost all Bizarre Leprous Production bands. Still from the beginning of this review I'd like to tell you that Gruesome Malady is a band who had the most sickest and inhuman vocal score I ever heard until today. Unfortunately for this Indians this is the main attraction point of this CD, because, generally speaking, the whole musical content is a very lousy one. Probably amongst Lymphatic Phlegm, Gruesome Malady is one of the weakest Grindcore bands I met in my entire career as a metalhead. However, if you going to like this CD you'll find some interesting Metal parts played by band guitar player, but that isn't something special." Infected With Virulent Seed" cover artwork is something in a very tight connection with Gruesome Malady lyrical content, but its picture is too childish for my taste. If you'll buy this album it's probably to find some interesting elements that can make you like it more than I do in this moment. So if you're into Grindcore, filled with lots of porn/gore lyrics, and you're a real collector of brutal Metal, than get this product as soon as possible.
Gun Barrel - "Battle Tested"
(Germany, Limb Music Productions, Hard Rock, 2003)

From the battlefield Gun Barrel comes with this "Battle Tested" masterpiece. Coming under the pure "Sex, Drugs and Rock'n'Roll" they are trying to convince us that real Hard'n'Heavy hasn't died. With influences from Motorhead and having the same attitude they bring twelve unrelenting songs of the highest quality. Every song here goes straight to the core. They don't try to fool the listener with "highly elaborated songs" but they are creating straight music which appeals to the real Hard'n'Heavy listeners. You will have some surprises too like the pipes from the song "My Last Ale" or the choir from the song "Death Kneel Dance" if you don't have this yet go to the nearest store and ask for it. I think that they are killers when they are playing live, one of the best Hard Rock albums that I ever received for review!
Günther Schroth - "Barcode Music"
(Germany, Archegon, Experimental, 2000)

This particular release is an original one, until this CD, through my wanderings in the vast territory that mankind calls music I've never came across a release that uses barcode generated sounds to create music. Citing from the label's website of Günther Schroth "in each and every barcode there is hidden a melody or a sound structure strongly marked by the product on which the barcode sticks" starting from here the artist has found a new and original territory to explore. The result may sound cacophonic to a standard music listener but if you will let aside the preconceptions of music must sound you will find an interesting and unique domain to explore. Personally I've given to this album quite some spins until I finally decided to write something about it. The music can be labeled in parts as Power Electronics also, look especially for the songs "EAN 13 Exklusiv" and "Im Scanner Verborgen". Some fake harmonies can be found in the song "EAN 13 Ultra" for some seconds you can even think that you are listening to some fake Jazz, then again you are swallowed in the barcode music warp. On the seventh and eight song you can hear a combination between barcode improvisations and vinyl/voice improvisations. On "Vinyl-Scan" the sounds are taken from the vinyl that covers a CD and they are mixed again with barcode generated sounds, the result is somewhere between Power Electronics and IDM without the alembicated rhythms while "Voice-Scan" is a mix between a female voice (Fraziska Quandt) and the barcode generated sounds, the atmosphere on this song is a eerie and overall it sounds a bit like a Diamanda Gallas/Sui Generis Umbra. As a conclusion if you can bare John Zorn's extreme musical endeavors Günther Schrots's music can appeal to you. Overall it is an intriguing CD to listen to bringing you fresh sounds that were not used before, if you feel like discovering new sounds write an e-mail to the address that you will find on the website.