Naer Mataron - "River At Dash Scalding"
(Greece, Black Lotus Records, Raw Black Metal, 2003)

This band is considered a cult Black Metal band in Greece and they are worthy of this status in my opinion. They've started way back in 1994 when they have released their first demo "The Awakening Of Ancient Greece" even since they have set their goal to create an extreme form of Black Metal which is based lyrically in the glorification of ancient Europe. In 1997 they have released another demo "The Great God Pan". This demo was enough to get them a deal with the underground label Black Lotus Records. Their first album was released in 1998 and it was called "Up From The Ashes", the next release was "Skotos Aenaon" from 2000, an album filled with the most extreme form of Black Metal, in 2002 they've released a 7" EP on Aphelion Records from Scotland.
Their latest release and the one which will be released here is entitled "River At Dash Scalding". This CD brings even further the Black Metal that they have proposed until now through their releases. The CD has the best production from all their releases. The Black Metal that they are proposing is fast but there exist some mid-tempo parts. The CD contains an instrumental song which is composed by Nordvargr from the cult band MZ. 412, which is also playing drums on another song called "Ancient Worship", a song which has some dark atmospheres and is very different from the other songs from the CD, this song also has no Black Metal vocals but some recitative ones talking about one of the most important warrior cultures, Greeks, Vikings, Celts. Also here you can find a cover version of "The Plunderer", originally composed and performed by the band Ved Buens Ende for their demo "Those Who Caress The Pale". Remarkable songs are: "Salvatore Dei" and "The Life And Death Of Europa". This album is highly recommended for every Black Metal listener out there.
Nanowar - "Other Bands Play Nanowar Gay!"
(Italy, Self released, Heavy Metal Parody, 2005)

To review this CD is a very odd thing having in mind the other releases that are featured in the pages of Arcana Noctis but it is good to have a bright spot (or shall I call it pink spot) in our dark pages. Well, Nanowar may be anything but untrue, they have "Metal" literally and as a concept written all over the 40 minutes of this album [be warned (!)]. Starting from their Village People-like cover of the album with all its "pinkyness" mocking of course the pose that can be found on many of the Manowar albums (this here is a parody to "Fighting The World"). Coming inside probably you will be amazed by the skills of this band proved either of the mock-cover version of classic Metal songs like "The Number Of The Bitch" (guess!) or "Entra L' Uomo Di Sabbia" ("Enter Sandman") or on their more personal "Tricycles Of Steel" or "King" (Pagan Metal-like song with violins – Skyclad?). Unfortunately sometime they over exaggerate with repetition (like at the end of the song "King"), also sometimes something seems not to fit that well, like the female voice in "King" or the end of the song "Gioca True' (Other Bands Play Nanowar Gay)". I refer to the nerd-like filler vocals. Having its moments, this release is one to check out if you have an open mind and if you want to hear something different or untrue versions of some classic songs. Unfortunately the number of fillers is a little bit high, this bringing the release a little bit down. Maybe a future release where they stick more to real songs will be better, anyway a much better release than Overkill's "Coverkill" or Six Feet Under's "Graveyard Classics", at least Nanowar do not destroy the songs... they are just altering them.
Narkoleptik - "Punisher"
(Romania, Fundația Ion Rîmaru, Dark Ambient/Noise, 2004)

This is quite a surprise album coming from the Romanian scene. There are very few bands in this genre here and even fewer are of a good kind, Narkoletik is one of those few. This CD is dedicated to one of Romania's serial killers
Ion Rîmaru, which was active in the early 70s, the music describes a travel in the mind of a serial killer or at least this is the way I see things here. On the first song you can hear moans, of whom, the torture person, the torturer... you can imagine a walk in the park, where everything is calm, but there is one mind that does not see the things this way... "Scission" describes the killer going on a hunt, he's moving slow in the beginning, he sees someone walking... but is to late. The following songs follow the same pattern in sound until "Negative Reactor" comes, an Industrial song created on pulsating beats, this is the longest song here, 22 minutes. The Last song "Patima", is darker than the rest... a feeling of regret?
Nebelkorona - "Dämmerung Im Herbst"
(Germany, Self released, Dark Ambient, 2004)

Nebelkorona is a Vinterriket side project, so either this will make you sit up and pay attention or skip to the next review. I don't think I need to explain that for me, this is something worth paying attention to. Nebelkorona play in a Dark Ambient style with strong Neoclassical and Folk undercurrents. While CZ's main project becomes more desolate and minimal, I guess he felt the need to express the "happier" side of nature without compromising Vinterriket's concept. Whereas Vinterriket is pure blackness, coldness and isolation, Nebelkorona has a more upbeat feel, fresh like the spring rain and beautiful as an autumn sunset. Those who like Neofolk and Dark Ambient styles, and aren't averse to a little sunshine, Nebelkorona should be appealing. As an aside, I believe this is the first work CZ has ever been involved with that has a colour cover. However, this coupled with the clear vinyl, looks simply wonderful. Recommended.
Necromorph - "Inputcollapse"
(Germany, Hellville Records, Death Metal/Crust/Grindcore, 2004)

Recorded and mixed in May 2003 at Headquarter Studio by Micha, and mastered the same year by Pluto from Poserslughter, "Inputcollapse" saw the daylight at the end of 2004. You should notice that Necromorph started in 1995 as a Black Metal band, at present this German band is playing an interesting combination between Death, Thrash, Crust and Grindcore elements. The album brings a kind of fresh air in this mainstream; its combinations between all those musical elements I told you before making this it to be considered as a reference album of the beginning of the new millennium. Necromorph have an exceptional vocal line with a sensational singer called Fritz who makes very good guttural tonalities, and bass player Jockel who creates some amazing screaming vocals, the final result being a very interesting one in the end. Dominated by atomizer guitar riffs, impeccable drum squalls and an impertinent bass guitar rhythm, Necromorph songs scatter the listeners through its high brutality, frequently combined with Heavy Metal lines à la AC/DC especially on "Thunderstruck" well known song. Although band guitar player Georg is the main composer in Necromorph, and although his technical skills and impetuosity are for sure a high mark for this German combo, the main attraction point of this CD is bass guitar player Jockel. Tuned very high up, as a guitar I could say, this musical instrument makes incredible things in the Death Metal scene, especially through its rhythm changes, but through its heavy breaks very devastating too. Band drummer, Steffen, although he does not use very complex rhythms, constitutes for sure a tight connection between his instrument and the final result is a very demented one for sure. All in all, Necromorph album "Inputcollapse" could be consider as one of the best in its branch.
Necronomicon - "Revenge Of The Beast"
(Germany, Xtreem Music Records, Thrash Metal, 2008)

Although I wasn't to much involved in this Metal genre, I really appreciate the old combos, the news one too, mostly for keeping the burning flame alive and for this immortal attitude; and Necronomicon is a band that we must pay respect to, a name that speaks for itself and it represents for sure one of the European leading gangs ever arose in this mainstream!
With such a brilliant career behind, I assume that Necronomicon needs no introduction, mostly because it has almost 25 years of activity, of good and bad things too. Recorded in 2007 Necronomicon - "Revenge Of The Beast" was re-produced, mixed and mastered by Achim Köhler; and in their point of view this is the jackhammer they were looking for since many years! This album displays the great work of Freddy, band's leader, which combines the old Thrash attitude with some modern lines; this time in a much more straight in the face final result, but with probably the same powerful attraction as it was many, many, years ago. From time to time this material sounds a little bit in Grave Digger's way of playing on its last material, but with a so original content that makes me so happy that I'm listening to one of the greatest Thrash Metal bands ever. The guitar solos are so good and well played that makes me wonder if this band doesn't get better with time. All in all we assist at the revival of Thrash Metal in the latest years or so, and Necronomicon is for sure a part of it without a doubt!
If you are in that mood and you search for something to headbang, on this is for sure an opportunity and Necronomicon has a lot of good things to show!
Check it as soon as possible even if you aren't into this kind of Metal, because it really deserves our full attention! Thanks for the comeback guys and keep rockin'!!!
Negative Creeps - "In Uterus Rebirth"
(Greece, Black Lotus Records, Satancore, 2002)

This is the third release of Negative Creeps who has made their debut in 1999 with the self financed CD "999"; in 2001 they have released another CD named "Satancore". You may ask yourself "What is Satancore?". Well, Satancore is a style combining, Nu Thrashcore with Death and Black Metal. The result is amazing and you will agree with me after you will listen to their third CD called "In Uterus Rebirth". The CD starts with the intro "Magnetic Fields", after this some Pantera-like songs smash your head, "Bored" or "Son Of A Shotgun" can fit very well on a Pantera CD, the track "In Uterus Rebirth" is more closer to Death Metal with some grunts made by the guest vocal G. K., after this song comes the intermezzo "Reincarnation", and after this comes the big surprise "The Last Of The Ancient" which has Sakis from Rotting Christ as vocalist, a pure Black Metal song ! This CD ends with the track "One Hate", another Thrashcore song. A negative part here is the production, but if you have the chance to buy this album don't hesitate. Negative Creeps rule!
Nephenzy Chaos Order - "Pure Black Disease"
(Sweden, Red Stream Records, Black/Death Metal, 2003)

Although this CD was worldwide distributed by Red Stream, "Pure Black Disease" was recorded under the Baphomet Records banner! As I can see Red Stream Records took the licence for the U.S. market, but that's not my problem because I'm more interested in CD's content than being curious about other stuff like that.
I'd like to tell you that this is a combo you'll gonna love from the first hearing, but only if you are into this kind of extreme Metal. Fortunately for me, because I'm more into Death Metal and Grindcore than into Black Metal, Nephenzy Chaos Order represents for me, as a reviewer and as a metalhead too, a very good band, probably one of the most interesting combos I have ever heared! This product contains 10 tracks of an interesting mixture between Black and Death Metal, well composed and very decent too! At the first hearing Nephenzy Chaos Order looks to be influenced by Immortal, but this feeling is vanished after a few solos because this band owns a few elements and combinations truely originals. The vocal register of Khaos is an interesting one, being frequently confused with the one used by The Kovenant singers on "Animatronic" album. The most interesting part of this material are the rhythm changes and furious guitar attacks; all this things being realised in the Death Metal tonalities. About the drums section you must notice that seems to be the most interesting one I heared in the latest 10 years, being very intense and brutal and filled with slower and technical moments into Death or Black Metal lines. Although "Pure Black Disease" is an extreme Metal product the main attraction point constitutes, as I've already told you, its frequently technical moments represented by the rhythm changes and guitar hard attacks. On the whole "Pure Black Disease" is an incredible good album, the guitaristical duel and the inhuman drum rhythms constituting a true range for band wish to conquer the worldwide Black/Death Metal scene! Taking in consideration all the things I mentioned before, the most darker metalheads should get this album as soon as possible if they really want to hear how the Black/Death Metal sounds today!
Nerthus - "The Crowned's Reunion"
(Austria, CCP Records, Medieval Black Metal, 2007)

"Grim Ancient Metal is the name the three dark knights call their own very special style which can't be compared with any of the usual styles in the Metal scene..." says the info I got from CCP Records on this band. Well, I think it matches up to a certain point, the word "qualitative" wasn't used here...
Stringsadist Alex, bloodthroat Mirko and keyboarder Clemens (like they're named in the info - funny they didn't used pseudonyms, Mirko doesn't really fit to a band like this one) began to create music back in 1996, "The Crowned's Reunion" is the fourth full length album since the debut in 2000.
I have to say that this is not the kind of music I usually listen to, nevertheless I can make a difference between good and bad bands of this kind... I don't know their previous releases and I've read positive as well as negative statements and reviews about them. They're loved by some and hated by others, not much in between... Well, I'm in between. I would say this album has some really good ideas, structures and melodies, but the realization and the production aren't satisfying at all. The guitars sound like they were recorded at home, like a lot of "bands" do this with the help of their PCs, and those medieval instruments - however they're called - are obviously synthetic. They're mostly used in the bridges of the songs and the interludes. There are six (!!!) out of the eleven tracks here which are interludes, including the cheap and boring three minutes long intro and the even longer outro. Somehow they sound a little like Summoning or Sopor Aeternus, but like I said, artificial and lifeless with much less bombast and originality...
I think the only real "exotic" instrument here is a Jew's harp, which seems to be their trademark, but even this one sounds very funny, I don't think this "instrument" goes well together with Black Metal... Moreover, as far as I know, they use a drum machine and there's no bass guitar here. A very interesting (and funny) line-up/instrumentation - I suppose they don't play live...
The five "real" songs on this album are not that bad but medieval music sounds a little too happy to me, maybe these rhythms fit to Balckmoore's Night, in Nerthus' case they suddenly set in from out of nowhere and somehow destroy the compositions. What I like about this band is the singer's vocals which range from deep growls to hateful screams, sometimes there are different ones overlaid but almost always understandable, which is a good thing! This voice would fit perfectly to misanthropic Black Metal.
The highlight of this album is the epic and varied "The Shadowbrood" with it's many tempos and breaks and some really grim vocals, the most useless track is the outro and the hidden track, which is track 2 ("World Conflagration") played completely backwards and distorted a little bit. Check out "Shit Storm" by Melvins if you want to know how it's done right, guys!
As I've expected, they've got not even a website, but you can download some samples on the label's website. Decide for yourselves if it's worthy buying this record.
Nightfall - "I Am Jesus"
(Black Lotus Records, Atmospheric Dark/Death, Greece, 2003)

Well, I think that bands like Death or Repulsion never thought that a release like this one will ever be labeled as Death Metal. I think that this is not at all Death Metal but a very innovative form of melodic/extreme Metal mixed with Gothic and even some Industrial. As a band Nightfall needs no introduction, they've already released several albums that had a big impact on the Metal scene like: "Athenian Echoes" or "Lesbian Show" are landmarks in the war Metal respectively Gothic Metal. This new album shows a new face of theirs, a more melodic/melancholic one. The songs are well structured and diverse. This is one of the few albums that have not even one song that is boring, and that's a rare thing. For me their music sounds like a more extreme version of 70s hard Rock bands. This album is highly recommended.
Nomenmortis - "Missanthrone"
(Slovakia, Downfall Records, Technical Brutal Death Metal, 2003)

Still from the beginning of this review you must know that Nomenmortis is one of the oldest Slovakian Death Metal bands, being besides Dehydrated and Sanatorium the most important Slovakian band! Musically speaking Nomenmortis could be labelled as Brutal Death Metal, the musical interchange between the aggressive parts and the technical ones being extremely interesting. I was very impressed by the solos and by the bass guitar breaks, very well combined in a unitary whole that fits perfectly with my image about the perfect Death Metal sound. The drums section is handled by Robo Cuzma, a very good drummer who plays just simple rhythms but in a very core Metal manner. The vocals are handled by Martin, probably one of the best Death Metal singers ever; who uses a very good and interesting guttural tone combined very good with some screaming lines too, the screaming tones being very wild something I've never heard before. The cover artwork, although it seems to me a little bit childish, is very expressive, and it contains public executions. Nomenmortis material impressed me a lot, this MCD being for me one of the most interesting 50 all time favourites. I hope that the new opus will be a very good one.
Non Opus Dei - "The Quintessence"
(Poland, Pagan Records, Black Metal, 2006)

Are you bored of tons BM-clones, which tune fucking similar? Looking forward something new and from other hand dank and unleashed into deepest underground? All your requests will be gone as soon as you will listen to these GREAT Polish masters of pain and brutal Satanic romanticism! I almost swear you have never been listen to anything similar since Non Opus Dei is a band which lead the way, not follow. They got own unique kind of BM tune and moreover (which is the most important for me), they declare own vision and philosophic understanding of Satanic egregor or, the universe and human beings within it and designated main principles of power and knowledge. Just look at song fragment:
The primal energy of our Earth: death, blood, desire, conquest. / She - is a herald to destruction and creation, / the next higher civilization, / builds and expands the entirely new, / the chaotic, primal, sinister goddess, / provokes, creates, causes change and evolution.
Diabolical trumphets, the atmosphere itself show us the talent of these Satanic herolds, staying into the dark and tacitly doing their unholy work. I see, I almost feel the casemates of ancient catholic fortresses with hidden rooms where the life is gone and spiritual obsession rule everywhere, but who knows God is there or Satan. The holy inquisition, witches, magical and perilous trip beyond this reality, to the astral world – the essence which Non Opus Dei brings to the damned listeners. The band has own world-out-look and philosophic statement which for me is worthy to respect – I am quite bored on thousands stupid clones playing and saying the same things as against Non Opus Dei. Let's throw away all clichés – Black Metal fetishes means nothing if creators have nothing to say, if they have no legs to grasp the nature of human beings, the universe. Poles does not follow, they prefer to lead though the deathlike path to the supreme one. The best decision is to explore band site and get a look at their statement and lyrics personally. I only might to say once again: it is worthy of that! And some words about music... Music is a unique incarnation of band views: it's cocktail of melodic riffs and while really brutal and killer sound landscapes. Nagas' dance, the smell of death, the fall into astral and universe... I can't continue anymore – you will never find anything similar, the band has unique musical interpretation. They stay alone and are proud of being Satanic lightbringers of death light. Probably, Non Opus Dei may take up higher places amongst diabolic heralds and when the last battle will begin, "The Quitessence" will be the best musical accompaniment.
Norikum - "In Chains Of Misery"
(Austria, Self released, Melodic Death/Thrash Metal, 2010)

The Styrian band Norikum was founded in late 2007, "In Chains Of Misery" is the debut EP which was released last year. I got the CD at a gig and I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the five songs included.
"Dignity Of The Prisoners" starts with a 40 seconds long acoustic guitar intro which leads into a tornado of double bass drums and deep growls, paired with some melodic guitar lines which remind me of this Arch Enemy-like music (whatever it's called, I don't care!) I never really liked. It's not a bad one, but definitely not my taste! Fortunately the next songs are totally different, for whatever reason. In fact, every song here has it's own character, maybe because of the varied tastes of the members, maybe they just want to keep it diversified...
"Starve Again", an uptempo song driven by "out of control double bass" passages and some dirty vocals is far better. Melodic Death/Thrash Metal with good riffing and some inventive gimmicks, like the distorted guitar and the untypical break at the beginning. More drive, more coolness... It gets better! "Die Alone" starts with a short acoustic guitar intro and becomes pretty soon a Heavy Metal influenced uptempo song with some melancholic passages. Chris Barnes with a cold meets Accept on speed. I like this one!
"Wisdom Of Worms" is the longest track here and my favourite because of its complexity and last but not least, the total absence of these Göteborg (?) melodies, which every "melodic" Metal band seems to use nowadays... Noticeable here is the catchy guitar intro ("Thunderstruck" for suiciders) which is often repeated during the song and makes it memorable. In the middle of the track a Pantera-like part suddenly sets in, in my opinion the best part of the whole EP! Maybe the structure is a little half-baked, but they should definitely stick to this kind of songwriting!
The last one, "Chains Of Misery", is again a classic Heavy Metal influenced song, again a pretty good one, though not that outstanding. The double lead guitars played simultaneously (left and right) are pretty interesting.
Although I'd like to hear more originality, this is a perfect EP for a start! The musicians are pretty young but seem very talented, especially the drummer is very skilled, at least in my opinion, sometimes it sounds like there are two drummers on this record... I've seen them live, it's just one. The production is clean but not overdone, and for sure perfect when considering the six days they had to record. Check them out here!
North - "Na Polach Bitew"
(Poland, Pagan Records, Death Metal, 2007)

First, when I noticed the cover, I though "Wow, what a good one! It's seems should be a Pagan or Medieval stuff, I'm obsessed in", but really when CD player started to make me earache, I was disappointed very much. North plays very Raw Black/Death Metal with Polish lyrics without any really interesting tunes, anything which may affect a soul of listener. Musical values have a minimum level and the tunes sounds like a dank rehearshal pursuits with normal recording quality – the only difference. With a big exertion I could listen to the end of the album despite of an interesting album's conception and strong, hissing Polish language which is good for my ears. But... From the other hand, I can't say this release should go burned. The material sounds in the best old school traditions and for current time can't impress even a bit. "Na Polach Bitew" might be useful for old-scene worshippers only.
Nuse - "Hung Well"
(U.S.A., Cornhead Records, Crossover Thrash, 2002)

Hardcore and Thrash and even some Death Metal are to be found here... Hardcore being the dominant style played on this LP... This is their first album after releasing not less than 5 EP's from 1993 to 2000. I guess that they have some success in the U.S. because they were picked to open for bands like Cannibal Corpse, Napalm Death, Overkill, Type O Negative etc. The music is straight in your face and filled with aggression, some songs are starting in a pure Death Metal vein and then they are broken by the Hardcore tempos, great for moshing. One of my favourite songs from this LP is "Only On T.V.". I just love the Stoner Rock break from here. Other good songs are "Alive I'm Not" and "Wrong". The lyrics are containing words like "fuck", "motherfucker", "pussy", "junkie" so no comments about this matter. Some DJs contributed here too in the songs "Ig" and "Junkie" (DJ Tomek and Dave Vanblarcom). You'll like this if you're into Hardcore Metal stuff.
Nycticorax - "Nosferatu"
(Latvia, Self released, Black Metal, 2004)

Oddly named Nycticorax features Lobrok and Midgard of darker-than-black metallers Dark Domination, although in all honesty the similarity ends there as Nycticorax are a different proposition altogether. The riffs are simple and Thrashy, the drums clumsily clatter away and Lodbrok's vocals are an irate squawk. I would say that the musical aesthetic of the band is very similar to Mayhem's 1987 classic "Deathcrush". The production and playing is extremely distinct though, so this is hardly a cheap knock off. It does mean, however, that you will either take to this demo or you won't; it's as simple as that.
The demo is available to download from the band's website at, so check this one out for yourselves to see if this demo is one worth adding to the collection, or just another piece of thrash floating around in the underground...
Nycticorax - "Umbra Mortis"
(Latvia, Self released, Black Metal, 2005)

I've already given a brief introduction to Nycticorax in my review of their "Nosferatu" demo, and in truth "Umbra Mortis" does not differ greatly from it's predecessor, as it contains all the songs from that demo plus some new ones. On the whole, this recording is less thrashy than on "Nosferatu", boasting a thick, clear sound courtesy of producer Gints Lundberg at Phoenix Studio. The songs tend to be longer and more involved, with a strong Doom/Death element to them (best example of this is "Not Dead"). There are still the shorter, faster tracks that featured on the demo, such as "The Beautiful People" and "Armageddon". At a shade under an hour, I find this release to be a little on the long side, but since there is quite a lot variety in the songs and tempos I don't mind as much as I would if they were playing fast all the time. An interesting take on the extreme Metal genre which is showing some good potential; something tells me that Nycticorax aren't finished with us quite yet. One to keep an eye on, I think.