Valles Lacrimarum - "Everything Is Nothing"
(Poland, Beast of Prey, Ambient, 2001)

Before listening to this CD you must leave some things behind, like the knowing you have about shapes and forms, beauty and ugliness. One being has knowledge about the concept of flower for example that he thinks every other person has, well if you're one of those, here's no place for you. Here the flowers have no perfume or color and the shape of their petals is the one of a razorblade. Passing over that you'll enter a world where clocks make music of their own and for their own, a music that can be known as your music or anybody else's music, but is the music of passing time. Some voices here and there talking about losses or to be more concise about the need of loss...
Musically this can be compared to Devil Doll or Sopor Aeturnus, even if it's quite different and not as qualitative as the above mentioned groups. Other elements that I can spot here are a bit of Burzum (Ambient one) in the second song, some background synthesizers reminded me of the song "Tomhet" from the album "Hvis Lyset Tar Oss", also a bit of "Mondschein Sonate" by Beethoven can be found in the last part of the fifth song "Nothing Is White When Black Never Was" which is composed of four parts (The Great Boom, Past, Now, Future). A not so good thing that I can spot here is the using of the expressions "Shut the fuck up" and "Get the fuck up" in the song "Promise Me That You Gonna Die" which ruined a bit of the picture that I've made myself of this project. There was room for more here but it wasn't put up to its limits, or was it?
Veiled Allusions - "Rosenkranz"
(Norway, Dragon Flight Records, Industrial/Dark Ambient, 2002)

This is the second CD from Veiled Allusions that I have the pleasure to listen to and in my opinion on this CD the music is quite different from that on "A Curious Dimension". Here you have a more Industrial approach and the music is darker than on the previous album. Consisting of four songs: "Kali Ma", "Faust Pt. I", "Faust Pt. II" and "Counting The Drops" this release is inspired by the novella film Rosenkranz. The cover artwork is very strange and dark, consisting of womem covered with blood... the beauty of pain? Indeed! Especially the photo on the third page, very expressive! Talking about music now is the real problem. If you are not able to maintain your attention focused on all the noises that you hear getting out of your speaker and if you are not into minimal sounds then this CD is simply not for you. Imagine songs that have more than 20-25 minutes in length constructed on the idea of noise! The atmosphere created is a very dark one, not for the common music listener!
Veineliis - "In This Forest Shall Be My Gallows"
(Germany, Midwinter Records, Black Metal, 2006)

This is Veineliis' second demo re-issued by Midwinter Records on CD, limited to 500 copies. Both the booklet and general info about the band is scare, so we will let the music do the talking, which I guess is the purpose of keeping all this extraneous band info to a minimum.
Veineliis play raw, freezing Black Metal, usual at a mid-tempo, with a deep, nocturnal, wintry atmosphere. "In This Forest Shall Be My Gallows" also boasts the coldest guitar sound this side of Judas Iscariot, of whom I am reminded, particularly "Of Great Eternity". I think very early Behemoth are an influence too, for "From The Pagan Vastlands" and the first Immortal album. Nonetheless, Veineliis use these influences to form a unique sound, which is still firmly rooted in the Black Metal genre. I think "Wind" is probably the best track on here, but with such a consistency of style, if you like one track you will probably like them all, as this album is fairly consistant.
Those who like atmospheric Black Metal circa 1992 will really enjoy this CD. The name might not jump out at you but Veineliis are a band with a lot of talent and I will be listening for their name in future.
Vidres A La Sang - "Som"
(Spain, Xtreem Music Records, Black Death Metal, 2009)

Formed 7 years ago, back in February 2002, in Barcelona, this extreme Metal gang called Vidres A La Sang started without any special aim, as they said, but here it is today as probably one of the most interesting bands hailing from Spain, besides of course mighty Avulsed! Released in September 2009 by Xtreem Music Records from Spain, "Som" seems to be the perfect sound for Armageddon; a very interesting combination between Death, Black, Doom and atmospherically Metal, probably the actual trend in the extreme Metal market! And if we take into consideration that some influences comes from important bands such as Morbid Angel, Immortal and Iron Maiden, I think that you have the image of what's happening on Vidres A La Sang musical content! Besides all these musical elements the fact that this combo decided to create a lyrical content in its regional language, Catalan, it's for sure something unusual, but the final result seems to be the perfect confirmation of band's members choice. The musical content deals mostly with Death Metal lines, but it is filled with some slow Doom moments and with a technical level, extremely hard to anticipate! The rhythm changes and the aggressive attack lines are extremely well played, and it means that Vidres A La Sang has no idea about what compromises means! The vocal score, a guttural extremely intense attitude, is a very good one too, fitting perfectly with band's musical content; the final result being as you imagine a very good and original one!
Very atmospherically, from time to time, band's music benefits by masterly guitar solos; something that reminds of me the great Heavy Metal period that we passed years ago. This is for sure the main attraction point of this CD, besides, I almost forgot, the drums section, probably one of the most interesting I've ever heard! In the end I'd say that some musical lines could very easily be used as a film soundtrack; and I have to admit that this is the second band that could do this besides mighty Dimmu Borgir! End of story! For more info stay Metal and check from time to time the interviews section of our webzine, to see what the latest statements of Vidres A La Sang's leader are!
Vinterriket - "Landschaften Ewiger Einsamkeit"
(Germany, Ketzer Records, Black Ambient, 2004)

A new full length album from the ever prolific Vinterriket. "Landschaften Ewiger Einsamkeit" (meaning "Landscapes Of Eternal Isolation") is Vinterriket's second album in the Dark Ambient vein; it is also notable for the fact this is the first Vinterriket album to be issued in unlimited quantities. Musically, "Landschaften Ewiger Einsamkeit" is Vinterriket's most basic, minimal material yet. Gone are the short, compact, well developed songs of the early material, the material on this release average out at about ten minutes or so per song. It is similar in its layered simplicity to "Boten Der Rückkehr" from "...Und Die Nacht Kam Schweren Schrittes". There is a lot less going on in the music, which enables you to focus on the simple, evocative melody, weaving it's way around you like a dark mist. This inherit simplicity makes "Landschaften Ewiger Einsamkeit" Vinterriket's darkest and most depressive material to date. A feeling of cold isolation and lonesome contemplation seeps from this music. Haunting in it's obscurity and divine in it's purity, this is undoubtedly a work of genius.
VLE - "Book of Illusions: Chapter I and II"
(U.S.A., Self released, Black Ambient, 2001)

Contrary to many popular beliefs Black Metal can be a genre of experimentation, if usually the main focus is darkness and depression. There are some bands that experiment with other values like romanticism, love and even Christianity. While the latter are called posers, there are quite a few impressive bands in this field too.
VLE resides to the latter part of the genre, you will not find dark topics into his music but you will find a lot to dig if you are lucky enough to put your hands on a copy of this limited home made release, but be warned, this is not your fist-in-the-face release, not even depressive or suicidal but more like a melancholic piece of music. This release can be filed under experimental Black Metal though you can find just two songs that can resemble the genre here, most of them being Ambient experimental pieces. While everything here is experimental and one-take recordings you must take this as it is pure sound from the heart. Comprised of two parts double CD with a playing time of about 50 minutes "Book Of Illusions" is set up as a collection of songs recorded in various moments in time and with limited technical equipment (a 4-track tape deck, computer and guitar).
I cannot recall any band that sound alike, having in mind that here you can listen to Vangelis-like keyboard improvisations (I am referring to his first albums where he admitted that he could not play the keys!) one take melancholic guitar driven melodies and a lot more.
The opener "Kano" sets the pace, a beautiful melody with improvised drumming and catchy key melodies with a beautiful and dark solo guitar melody at the end. "Kano" is followed by some more Metal like songs "Freedom To Fly" which has a Doom Metal feel due to the low tuned guitar sound packed with a beautiful vocal performance that is giving you the feel of flying over the ocean... "Behold The Night/Beyond Sunsets", probably the best song here starting with a light guitar melody evolving into a dreamy Black Metal song that give you the feeling that you want to listen to more alike songs and there you have "Timeless" on the same tone but less dreamy. After the song "Drift" the Metal influences are left behind, all of the later songs being keyboard improvisations of the best kind! Many other good remarks can be made about this record but you will have to discover yourself the world of VLE, if you are open minded you will not regret for sure the experience.
Vortice Cremisi - "Falling Into The Crimson Vortex"
(Italy, Red Sun, Stoner/Grunge, 2003)

What can you expect from a band called Vortice Cremisi (Crimson Vortex)? When you see the devil woman from the cover with the red hair blowing in the wind and with a lollipop in her hand in front of a vortex... the image is starting to become clearer. After you've inserted the CD in your CD player and pushed the play button you will realize that you have to deal with a heavy psychedelic Rock a.k.a. Stoner Rock band.
The music is incredibly well played and will hit you right in the face with its freshness. The guitar lines reminding a bit of early Black Sabbath, the Grunge-like voice is the one which is giving the flavor, and the Kyuss-like breaks are completing the process. There are some songs here which are worthy to check out: "Mr. Delta Plane" (the opener), "No Welfare" and "Wrarrl, The Limbo's Dimension" (which has a very long instrumental passage, the most psychedelic one here).
Well, I don't know much about the availability of this recording because I have some reasons to believe that this is a sampler from their earlier works. Anyway, they have some releases out; they are worthy to check believe me, especially if you are into 70s Heavy Rock!