Bard Brann/Ekove Efrits - "Key To The Kingdom Of Shadows"
(U.S.A./Iran, Midwinter Records, Black Metal, 2007)

Another split CD for me to review here, this one I have been looking forward to for a while. I'm familiar with the Iranian act Ekove Efrits through their "Wraiths Of The Forgotten Forest" demo released on Evil Distro. Bard Brann play on the first half of this disc, they are a new name to me and play a raw, depressive Black Metal style that is quite unique, but is slightly reminiscent of other U.S. Black Metal hordes such as Xasthur or I Shalt Become... The sole member of this project, also called Bard Brann, shows some interesting ideas and the style has a primitive, sketchy feeling to it, with short songs expressing 1-2 ideas, be it a guitar riff or a synth interlude. Usually slower tempos are used with simple chord progressions and some interesting leads, which can create a very sombre yet engaging atmosphere. This first half of the split passes rather quickly too, despite being 20 odd minutes in length, which is a good sign!
Onto Ekove Efrits... This half of the split opens with a haunting, morose synth intro that sounds rather like Vinterriket at its most desolate. The first "Metal" track is "Depression Philosophy" and the first thing I noticed that the sound quality on this recording was infinitely superior to Count De Efrit's previous offerings... This track moves along at mid-tempo, with a mournful and hypnotic feel to it, maybe a little like early Katatonia (especially those lead guitars) or Ancient Wisdom. After this, the tempo gets much slower and depressive, for example on "Tears Of The Cold Winter" which crawls at funereal pace, ghost-like synths drift over slow guitar arpeggios of distortion to create an atmosphere of sorrow and loss that few other bands in the genre can create. The intro to "Whispers Of Suicide" sounds like the darker moments from The Sisters Of Mercy's "Floodland" LP, and grows into a Black/Doom Metal monument, complete with those Katatonia/Paradise Lost guitar leads and tolling bell sounds... Pure brilliance and one of the best songs I've heard for ages. "From The Mornful Soul" is the most electronic and unusual track on here, I won't even try to describe this eerily wonderful track, you just have to hear it! Another excellent track, "Whispers Of Death", and an outro round things off.
Overall, I think Bard Brann is pretty good with some potential to make some great music in future, however I can think of one very good reason to buy this, and that's Ekove Efrits!
Bladesmith/Ohvrikivi - "The Tenebious Journey"
(Finland/Estonia, Mahtra Records, Pagan Black Metal, 2007)

Two bands from the Baltic here that play Pagan Black Metal, this split is notable in the fact the bands take turn to play tracks (Bladesmith tracks are 1, 3 and 5, Ohvrikivi appear on 2, 4 and 6) rather than having a side each. Despite my initial apprehension about this "rotating band" format, it works surprisingly well.
I have followed Ohvrikivi's progress since 2002 and though sole member Berg is not especially prolific (Ohvrikivi have been in existence on and off since 1998 and this is only their second release), he does make up for this by putting a lot of thought into Ohvrikivi's music, simple though it might sound. "Tuhast Tõus" and "Through The Forest" are re-recordings of older tracks, with the benefit of a more organic production and real drums, Ohvrikivi certainly bring to mind Isengard or "Aske" by Burzum. The newer track "Mu Langenud Vennad" wanders along at a dreamy mid-tempo with its hypnotic riffs and fluid structure. The guitar sound could be a little thicker, but we are seeing real potential with this project and the full length that is due to be recorded soon should be a highlight.
Bladesmith were a new name to me and I confess to being pleasantly surprised by their side of the split. Strongly influenced by "Thousand Swords" era Graveland, but with the fuller, more epic sound of that bands more recent material we have three long compositions which thankfully gets the balance between Metal riffs and bombast just right. Fans of Bathory's "Hammerheart" and so on will find much to enjoy here. To me, it sounded a little pompous next to Ohvrikivi's more low key melancholy, but the two bands have enough common ground for this not to sound disjointed.
An interesting release, produced on CD-R with pro-printed sleeve. It is available from Mahtra Records for 4 GBP / 6 EUR / 8 USD including postage (contact below).
Bunder Nekromunda/Rzeźnia - "Da Split"
(Poland, Surgical Diathesis Records, Grindcore, 2007)

Here we have a split CD from two brutal bands from Poland. Let's not mess about; if you are interested in melodies, song writing and sing-a-long choruses look elsewhere. This is detuned Brutal Death/Grind with zero compromise. They also seem to have a slightly unhealthy obsession with small animals.
Unusually named Bunder Nekromunda start the split with perhaps the most stupid intro known to man (in case you were wondering the track in question is called "Dad, You Fucked My Girlfriend!!!"). Before lurching into deep gurgles, blasting drums (No drum triggers! Hooray!) and seemingly random guitar riffs. It is hugely powerful and great if you just want something crushingly brutal... Included are covers of Malignant Tumour and Brutal Truth which produce moments of vague familiarity before lurching back into impenetrable chaos. I have to mention the samples again. I guess they are included to offer respite in between the brutal tracks, but I'm not really a fan of them, I think it would work better without these...
Rzeźnia are marginally more conventional in their approach, they have more of a Death/Grind feel to them, actually they do sound a little like "Extreme Conditions..." era Brutal Truth. The drumming is ferociously fast, the vocalist growls and shrieks like an angry monkey and the songs often last less than a minute. The lyrics are all in Polish, but maybe that's for the best.
Anyway, this is reasonably entertaining stuff, if you are really into Grindcore you might want to add this split to your collection. If you're not, it won't change your mind...!!!
Despise/Lust of Decay - "Despise"/"Lust of Decay"
(U.S.A./Czech Republic, Bizarre Leprous Production, Brutal Death Metal/Grindcore, 2005)

Roman the owner of Bizarre Leprous Production sent me this material just to tell him if this could be something interesting for the European market! Both bands offers us 2 brand new songs, the total playing time of this release being around 13 minutes. Concerning to the first band called Lust Of Decay I must tell you that I was very impressed by their Brutal Death Metal style, that kind used by the Florida bands; an extremely clever combo founded years ago in Charlotte/North Carolina. I very much liked their combination between the Brutal Death Metal lines and some pure Heavy Metal parts, probably small sequels taken from their history when this band was named Mindkill and the musical style played was Heavy Metal. Band 2 songs are very intense and brutal, and we can frequently hear a kind of unconventional dose in the musical content! The vocal score of Jay Barnes is a very, very guttural one, being recorded in a very low tune. The guitars are in ceaseless duel, the solos being extremely heavy and the drums section reminds me of the sound of a machine gun. I'd like to tell you a few things about the bass guitar, that seems to be the most important musical instrument for Lust of Decay; the bass being recorded at a very high level, its breakes and rhythm changes being dictate by this apocalytical instrument! Frequently Lust of Decay seems to be very close to Brodequin, but you should understand that this band is a very original one. Lust of Decay split mates, Despise, presents us a brutal Goregrind absolutelly brutish; my first opinion was like a hurricane wants to hit me and all arround me in any time. Guitaristical devastating solos invade from my subwoofers destroying everything, any trace of humanity being evaporated from the first accord! The inhuman vocal score made me to understand that every day we can find various vocal scores that can makes us to believe that this is probably the best last one we heared lately. If you wanna know more things about the vocal score, I'd like to tell you that is a strange combination between Cannibal Corpse and Kataklysm. Band's drummer is in a ceaseless conflict with his mates, the drums speed imposing all his mates into a real difficulty to keep the same rhythm. The musical content of this CD is a very one for a split, and the most extreme Metal fans will like it for sure if they get it as soon as possible.
Different State/Sigill - "Spazmatic[k] Spell"
(Poland/U.S.A./U.K., Zoharum Records, Ambient/Experimental, 2008)

I got this strange split album those days and I had some serious problems describing the music of these two projects...
Different State is performing the first four tracks. The band has released a lot of stuff since 1992, toured with bigger acts like Incubus Sukkubus for example and seems to be well known in the scene... On this album Different State is Marek Xavier Marchoff, who was supported by some guest musicians. The music is not a specific genre, I have to admit that I've never heard compositions like this before. Each track is different. The first one ("I Hate The Eyes") is built of a single repetitive beat melody which only consists of three notes, mixed with some synthesizer sounds and a deep voice which is telling a short poem. The description may sound boring, but it isn't at all! The song is pretty eerie and reminds me of the feeling one has before an outburst of fury...
"Ear" (track 2) continues this way, but even more intense, the text fragments in the chorus which are repeated over and over again are making me wanna destroy something! Track three is a little disappointing. Easy listening, subtle distorted guitars with atmospheric keyboards... reminds me of Santana on drugs. I would have understood it if it was an intro or an interlude but it's way too long with its 7 minutes. The last song is again something you can call "brutal"... this time some megaphone-speech-like vocals and all kinds of electronic sounds are penetrating your ears. There's something about this song that make the 8 minutes pass pretty fast...
All in all I like what Different State are playing (minimalist music, neither Ambient nor Industrial) though I'm asking myself how an entire album sounds like... A little more diversion would be OK! The tracks are dedicated to Syd Barret, by the way...
The second band here is Sigill. Sigill is the signal sent to computer programs that attempt to execute malformed, unknown, or privileged instructions on POSIX-compliant platforms. Except for this info from Wikipedia, I couldn't find anything about this band, which consists of two members.
These four songs are rather boring in my opinion, but let's call them complicated. The problem is that there is too little action here, almost nothing happens! I had to turn my speakers very loud to "understand" the structures. The longest song lasts 14 minutes, but it also could have been 5 as well as 30 minutes, there's no beginning and no end, almost no development... I wouldn't call them songs anyway, this is rather a soundtrack for a movie... a dismal undersea documentary for example. ;)
I simply don't know what to say about this half of the album so here's the official release information: "Sigill is a project consisting of Brat Salo and Nantur - a duo creating electronic lunar spaces and astral soundscapes using samples and ancient instruments..."
Split CDs are hard to rate, Different State deserves about 7 points out of 10, but Sigill less then 4, so I think 6 is best for the whole release, which is packaged in a nice 3-panel digipak, by the way! Visit for more information on this one.
Fetus Eaters/Brainchoke - "Vomitcore"/"Microchipped And Mindcontrolled"
(U.S.A./U.K., Grindethic Records, Grindcore/Death Metal, 2000)

As I have already the timeliness to hear the phonic disaster made by U.S. Fetus Eaters, I was very impressed to hear another variant of "Vomitcore". I don't know why this band was founded, but I'm very happy that the final result was a high quality one; although frequently I compare Fetus Eaters with Anal Cunt. And this idea starts from the title tracks, but from the musical content too. You have here some examples of Fetus Eaters title songs, just to illustrate what I said before: "C'Mon, Nobody Really Likes Manowar", "Father Howard", "Seth Is Gay", "The Bus Should Have Fell On Lars" or "Shave & Haircut For Jesus"! Fetus Eaters music isn't bad, their musical cocktail being a very good one; here we can find interesting sounds into Gore & Grind Metal, Noise Metal, Jazz, Core Metal and Country phases too (all these being interpreted on harmonica), and that thing creates a sound parody we hardly could imagine at the beginning of this CD. The vocal register is a very complex one, the screaming or guttural tonalities leaving me a feeling that Fetus Eaters are veterans of the U.S. underground scene. As you can see, a joke, because Fetus Eaters started a while ago with this idea in mind, is now something very seriously at all.
On their split CD side, Brainchoke "assaults" us with a Brutal Death Metal style, raw as hell and very technical too. Frequently its Brutal Death Metal is well combined with small Grindcore "doses", but with high technical phases more oriented to Jazz music. For my great satisfaction Brainchoke succeeded to insert in their music some Death Rock lines, the final result offered to the worldwide headbangers being a very interesting one in my point of view. Although "Microchipped And Mindcontrolled" is Brainchoke first chapter from their career, it benefits by the great help of 100% devoted musicians! The two guitar players are in a "ceaseless" duel, and singer's incredible voice combines damn good high tonalities into screaming or guttural register. In my point of view, this split CD is a very good choice of Grindethic Records, because Fetus Eaters funny Grindcore and Brainchoke Brutal Death Metal offers to its listeners a sonic journey through the galleries of the most brutal Rock music ever recorded in this known universe.
Futhork - "Liederkranz"
(Germany, Self released, Industrial/Ambient/Noise, 2006)

This "collective" was founded in 2002 and it consists of three bands/projects, each one featured with two (new?) songs on this (first) split, and some bonus. The booklet doesn't say much about them, except for the music styles they play, Stumme Helden being Industrial, Urfyr martial and Schmeisser ritual... However, I can't find big differences between them and I suppose it's the same person/band, but I'm not sure...
I would say the whole CD is some sort of minimalistic dark music... OK, each song has its own feeling, but at a length of up to 11:30 minutes, there is not very much happening. They are based on simple basic rhythms, and increase here and there a little... with some strange sounds, samples and german recitative. There are some good parts (reminds me sometimes of a Cold Meat Industry release) but most of the time it's kind of boring...
Along comes the not very well done, hissing "production"... actually it's homemade I think, and it sounds more like hobby music to me... the same problems with the artwork and the online section, seems all very coarse to me... Another very shitty thing is the use of distorted Hitler speeches in the song "Deutschland" by Schmeisser. I suggest there should be at least an explanation for this ...though there can't be a real "excuse" for using "Sieg Heil" in a song...
My "favourite band" here is Stumme Helden, which stands a little bit out from the rest...
Sorry guys, but you should put more effort into it before releasing it, at least a more powerfull sound!
Hellbound/Amestigon – "Fatal Illumination"/"Nebelung, 1384"
(Austria, Millenium Metal Music, Black Metal, 2002)

This CD is more or less a split release between bands that have or had something in common with the Austrian cult Black Metal band Abigor. Hellbound, the opener of this split CD plays atmospheric Black Metal mostly mid-tempo but with some blast beats from time to time, and it has a strong Abigor influence, in fact you have the feeling that you listen to an Abigor (mid-era) CD, and you certainly can feel some Burzum-esque influences here and there, although the music is not that cold as in Burzum's case. The lyrics are written by Jyade Cythrawl and talk about her experiences with the occult/ancient rituals, unfortunately I don't have them to tell more about, and anyway Jyade Cythrawl is the person behind Ancient Legacy Press and Black Magic Market so check the websites out to see her points of view upon world.
The second band is Amestigon which features the mastermind Silenius, the man behind bands such as Abigor, Summoning, Pazuzu, Kreuweg Ost, Die Verbannten Kinder Evas, and some other members who featured in some of his projects. Their music is a crossover between fast parts and more melancholic ones; also some acoustic parts are to be found like in the middle of the song "A Long Paths End", keys are used but just to create intro's or outro's, the best song from their side is in my opinion: "Unleashed" the track that closes this split CD, this song has a great atmosphere. This split may still be available so if you'll have the chance and you want to discover two good Black Metal bands, don't hesitate to buy this.
Leptotrichia/Amputated - "Enjoy The Slaughter"/"Up To Our Nuts In Guts"
(Belgium/England, Identified by Dental Records, Brutal Death/Grind, 2005)

Conceived in a Brutal Death/Grind musical way, "Enjoy The Slaughter" attracts my attention through its musical simplicity; and I really was very surprised when I heard that this band played long time ago Melodic Death Metal. Leptotrichia sounds a lot like Cannibal Corpse with the guitar solos being the main attraction of this material. All in all band material is a very common one; I mean guttural vocal scores, aggressive bass guitar solos and a lot of interesting influences. The other band, Amputated plays a kind of Death Metal influenced by bands like Carcass, Exhumed, Nunslaughter, Six Feet Under or Jungle Rot. Amputated brings in front of us a very good guitar player, with a high technical level and very ambitious. On the whole, this split CD seems to be a very interesting one, but the full lengths that will be recorded in the future I hope to be much better.
Obscure/Pandemic Genocide - "Satanic Rebelmageddon"
(Poland, Old Temple Records, Death Metal, 2006)

Obscure offers on their part of the split three songs with a merciless energy, melodic touch and dark emotions. At times they are reminding me of Edge Of Sanity or the old Amorphis. Sometimes atmospheric or progressive some other times, Obscure's music is pierced frequently by various vocal styles, in grunting or screaming tonalities, and exciting guitar solos that makes the final result of this musical content to be very good. The sedond band on this split CD is Pandemic Genocide. From the first notes I was stricken by the raw cruelty and precise interpretation. Pandemic Genocide's music develops a very mature attitude filled wit many guitar riffs and demented drums. Finally I would like to add Old Temple Records released a very good material that can easily be compared with some much known products recorded in the latest years.
Paranoia Inducta/Moan - "Body And Steel"
(Poland, Beast Of Prey, Industrial/Ambient, 2005)

Presented here on this 3" CD-R are two Industrial Noise Ambient projects from Poland. As usual coming from Beast Of Prey you should expect quality and is delivered here... The first track is "Peine Forte At Dure" by Paranoia Inducta, Industrial/Ambient with a good song structure, it has some Electro influences too, but not brought in front but kept somewhere in the back, making this song more accessible. Second comes Moan with a more minimalist song based on Industrial noises, quite haunting, giving me the feeling that I sit in my backyard, where at only 50 meters is a coal mine and sounds like the ones "induced" by Moan are to be heard all the day from there. This is already sold out... was limited to 155 copies...
Putrid Pile/Dyscrasia - "Genocide Of The Unborn"/"Bodies On Display"
(U.S.A., Bizarre Leprous Production, Deathgrind, 2005)

As you can see two of the most extreme U.S. Death Metal bands are present here offering you one of the most explosive split CDs ever recorded under Bizarre Leprous Production's banner. You must know that, to give you an example, Dyscrasia can easily be compared to their mates from United Guttural Records, Bound And Gagged! Dyscrasia's material is a very interesting one, a kind of Brutal Death Metal, frequently crossed by some slow Core moments and very technical guitar solos à la Fleshgrind or Lividity. The 2 guitars, handled by Jeff and TJ, are in ceaseless duel, band technical moments, very well combined with the Brutal Death Metal lines, constitutes the main attraction point of this CD. Neil bass guitar is one of the most important musical instruments used by Dyscrasia; its hard attacks being emphasized damn well by John drum section, the last one succeeding to find the best rhythm changes. Unfortunatelly I have no fuckin' ideea what happends with Dyscrasia in the latest years, because even the 6 songs we have here are recorded long time ago?! 2 songs were recorded live at the Maryland Deathfest back in 2003; the others being recorded in 2001 in Mercenary Studio, the same studio as for the other band Putrid Pile.
About Putrid Pile you should notice that is an one man band, the main responsible for this infernal machine being Shaun LaCanne; if I'm not wrong he is the backing vocalist that we can hear on Dyscrasia 4 tracks. The whole musical content made by Putrid Pile is much more technical that we can hear on Dyscrasia's side; Shaun's voice being very closer to Lividity's frontman, Rich Lipscomb, the only difference being the use of the high screamings. The technical level is a very high one, superior compared to Dyscrasia, very strange if we take in consideration that Dyscrasia's line-up consists in 4 persons. Finaly I'd like to add that this split CD contains some multimedia material and a video shot signed Dyscrasia too. A must I could say!!!
Rompeprop/Tu Carne - "Just A Matter Of Splatter"
(The Netherlands/Spain, Bizarre Leprous Production, Deathgrind/Goregrind, 2004)

There are not to much words to be said about this split CD, just that both bands are present here with new tracks. If I'm not mistaken this was the last CD recorded with Steven Smegma as vocalist of the band. Rompeprop's sound is the same as on "Hellcock's Porn Flakes". Tu Carne proposes us mid tempo Goregrind, well played and technical filled with lots of vocal effects like the ones that we have met on "...Me Quedo Con Tu Dolor!". Rompeprop/Tu Carne is not a very special release so I will recommend the material only for the most devoted fans.
Sacramental Blood/Ophiolatry - "Inception Of Ceremony"/"Satancore"
(Serbia/Brazil, Walk Records, Death Metal, 2006)

A split CD from two bands on the opposite sides of the world, yet playing the same style, that is Brutal Death Metal. Serbia's Sacramental Blood are up first, showing a tight sound, with Vader influenced guitar riffs. A very clear representation of the style of Death Metal played throughout the 90s. There are a few slower parts and Slayer like guitar solos, as well as a Vader cover ("Carnal"). Good stuff, if lacking in originality.
Ophiolatry are notable in the fact they use a drum machine, which is something that doesn't often make an appearance in this style of music. However, it sounds perfectly good here, well programmed and fucking fast! The riffs are also very good, kind of like countrymen Krisiun but with a Morbid Angel type twist to them. There's also some weird sounds and effects that puncture this recording.
I guess making to deep an analysis into this kind of release is really extraneous; you know what you will get with this CD – two quality Brutal Death Metal bands with no frills. If that appeals, then you are bound to get something out of this release.
Silverthread/Cartagra - "Secretum Clausum Mansit In Ore Construktoris Sui"/"Behind The Gates Of Hell"
(Latvia, Beverina Productions, Dark Ambient, 2006)

This split CD-R between Silverthread and Cartagra is in fact the long delayed final release from the almost legendary Beverina Productions. This little Latvian distro introduced me (and many others, no doubt) to lots of great underground bands, too many to mention in this short review... Certainly, the packaging exudes quality; pro-printed black CD-R in a DVD case with a nice cover, limited to 150 hand-numbered copies.
As for the music, Silverthread's half of the disc was recorded between 1996 and 2003, but the material still has good continuity. There aren't any big differences in sound quality or volume between tracks, which uniformly sound excellent. Anyway, this is Ambient in its most minimal form; more soundscapes than structured songs. They remind me a little of an even more minimal Atomtrakt (without the bombast) or Vinterriket. The compositions don't really evoke scenes of nature to me though, they have more of an occult feel, with a subterranean and foreboding atmosphere. Put this on your mp3 player and visit the local Cathedral's vaults for a deeply unnerving experience.
Cartagra is in fact a side project by Lord Messir, more known as the man behind Latvian Black Metallers Dark Domination. Some of Catagra's music has been used as interludes on Dark Domination CD's, so some people will know what to expect from this. For those who don't, this can be described as ritual Black Ambient. Very sinister atmospheres, with some distant and strange noises, similar to acts like MZ. 412 in it's subdued menace. Cartagra are not vastly different from Silverthread in style, so these two acts make a fine combination.
A fine listen for anyone interested in dark atmospheres and soundscapes. This release is distributed by Evil Distro, so ask them if they have any copies left. A worthy headstone for Beverina Productions.
Sinpularctos/Lycanthropian Carnage - "Voluntary Disconnection"/"Instinctual Violence"
(U.K., War Against Religion Recordings, Black Metal, 2005)

On this CD-R we have two bands, both of which are the product of main man Wade Edwards, both of which play "Black Metal"... Although they don't really sound the same. Sinpularctos are an interesting proposition; it's sound is a reverb-heavy wall of blackness, usually played slowly with a lead guitar and vocal screams pushed into the background. It's not really what I'd describe as Black Metal, it lacks the aggression and brutality for that, but it's an extreme Metal project with reasonable future potential. Lycanthropian Carnage, despite having a great name, I found to be slightly less enjoyable. This was just simple Raw Black Metal that's been done a thousand times before. It's fairly well played and performed, it just lacks the character and energy this music requires to engage me fully.
Thorwald/Pulmonary Fibrosis - "Medical Dissector"/"Pulmonary Fibrosis"
(Slovakia/France, Bizarre Leprous Production, Brutal Death/Grind, 2004)

Bizarre Leprous Production offers us a split CD with 2 of the best Brutal Death and Goregrind bands from Slovakia and France. And that isn't a bad idea, especially if we take into consideration that both bands were founded too recently enough. Through these more than 30 songs this split carries us in the "well" known universe of medicine, very well emphasized by bands lyrics. I want you to notice from the beginning that both combos have recorded some cover songs originally singed by well known bands such as Mortician, Carcass, Regurgitate or Malignant Tumour. Also, you should keep in your minds that Thorwald and Pulmonary Fibrosis are devoted to the European Brutal Death and Goregrind way of playing, and we should be proud by such good bands.
In my point of view Thorwald is the beat band of this split CD; if we take into consideration that band members succeeded to sing covers from Mortician & Carcass at a very high level. And this thing denotes that Thorwald need no more covers from now on, because they are for sure a big band. The main attraction point of this "Medical Dissector" is the vocal register used by the 2 singers of Thorwald, the screaming or guttural tonalities being simply devastating ones for sure. With a bass player in a very good shape, and a blasting rhythmical section, Thorwald wants to dethrone the great names of the European Death/Grind underground scene.
Pulmonary Fibrosis is one of the most interesting French Death/Grind bands ever. On their split CD side Pulmonary Fibrosis show us that it has one of the best rhythmic section from the whole European Death/Grind area. The vocal register is a very low one, something I never heard until now. This musical genre played by the French Pulmonary Fibrosis is called "ultra brutal Goregrind Metal", and is very well combined with some Core Metal sounds, a thing that makes this "Pulmonary Fibrosis" to sound a little bit groove.
All in all, this split CD is a very interesting one, and it deserves our full attention because both bands are in a very good shape.
Torsofuck/Lymphatic Phlegm - "Disgusting Gore And Pathology"/"Polymorphisms To Severe Sepsis In Trauma"
(Finland/Brazil, Bizarre Leprous Production, Grindcore, 2004)

What we have here is probably one the best Grindcore bands ever to come from Finland, and Lymphatic Phlegm one of the leaders of the Brazilian extreme Metal scene. You should know that Torsofuck's cover artwork is a very sick one that fits perfectly with the lyrics. "Fucking Her Decomposed Cadaver" speaks for itself. Torsofuck plays a very good mid tempo Goregrind, well combined with some interesting technical lines without vocal effects and with porn/gore lyrics. Lymphatic Phlegm has a lousy sound I could say. Band guitars are very low recorded, and the drum machine is not the best option. Although they play Grindcore the uninspired sound brings a smack of Black Metal from time to time. The vocal register is a very good one, although it not fits perfectly with band extreme Metal content. Torsofuck is the best band on this split CD and the contribution that they've made here makes the final result to be a good one.
V.A. - Atlantida Vol. 16
(Lithuania, Atlantida Productions, 2003)

Atlantida is a well known sampler which has already established a status in the underground world. This particular release reunites 17 bands from different countries and who are playing different styles all gathered round the Metal roster.
The first band is Confligo which is presenting "The Land Of Shining Shields", a song with operatic female voices and whispered male ones, the style being Dark Gothic. After that comes Vinterheim with the song "Tid For Hevn", this one is a pure Norse Black Metal played in high speed and with some slow passages played on classical guitar. Third comes the band Legacy Of Hate with the song "The Maze Of Cruelty". This is Death Metal in the old way with a very pushing atmosphere, best parts in this song being the guitar riffs and the deep growling voice. After this comes Ruslanas' own band Ravenclaw with the song "Ravenclaw", an Ambient song with lots of sounds from nature and from battles. This song is very simple and at the same time not so great, the voice is coming in front of the music and this is annoying. Next band to be featured here is De Profundis Clamavi which is playing Gothic/Black Metal and their song "Bleeding Nightsky". Wouldn't have been so bad if they wouldn't have used those stupid electronic effects in the beginning of it. Cyhiriaeth, the next band is playing Pagan/Black Metal with pipes and clear voices, the composition itself is good but the production is too low. Next are the Italians from Hateful and their song "Relieve The Despair", a Thrash/Death Metal piece, powerful but at the same time not so original and not catchy. Next is another Thrash/Death Metal band from Italy called Deforge and their song "Back To Life", which has the strongest and most powerful production from this compilation. Probably the worst band in here is Valhalla and their bullshit True Metal, not that I'm not liking this style of music but the way that they are playing it... no comment. Next comes the band No Longer Mortal with a weak sounding Death Metal. Maybe suitable for a 80s low sound demo freak but not for the others. They're having some ideas but with this kind of production they will not succeed in getting some attention. Artifact is another band inspired by the early-mid eighties scene, they are playing some kind of Heavy/Thrash/Black metal with very good guitar lines and vocal harmonies, but their song has a bad production too. Cryfemal, the next band, comes from Spain and they are playing that necro Black Metal, very minimalist but very effective, this band really has that early Black Metal feeling. For one who has listened to the Black Metal demo's of Hrossharsgrani, the song "Flesh And Steel" could seem weird because what they are showing here is Gothic Metal. Well you can see evolution, and this song seems like played by another band. Not the old Hrossharsgrani I known in the past :-). Blessmoon, the next band featured here plays Raw Black Metal, good, but again too low mixed and barely hearable. Primal Dawn comes from Ireland and they play strong Death/Black Metal. The song presented here is a part of their new MCD. The band Stillbirth is playing Death Metal, not so inspired with some acoustic passages, also ruined by the weak production. The last band from this CD is Jigsore a Black/Death Metal band playing in mid-tempo.
This compilation CD is worth to be bought if you want to discover new underground bands, but I assure you that there are lots of other interesting bands out there which are better than these ones. Worthy to check are: Legacy Of Hate, Deforge, Hrossharsgrani and maybe some others.
(Russia, Backfire/Stygian Crypt Productions, Doom Metal, 2006)

To be honest, I always hated to review compilations! And really, could it be serious to judge band's art from one track? And very often, the band can have one good track and whole album, which just boring. This does not allow get a complex notion, it's something like a splinter of the album, which I have to listen to and do my opinion. Well, will do my best. So, according the information from booklet, this release was a collective reflection of creators, who has united in one community with two features in common: to make a burial (metaphore is mine – I meant Doom Metal genre as the main source for creations) and second feature is Russian language, since all the presented bands feel themselves a part of Russian scene. Disc opens by the act Inter Arbores (St. Petersburg), which intro was not pleasantly for my ears. Man's voice sounds in Christian manner as Orthodox monk whispers own rotting prayers. But fortunately, after that intro, the wall of monolith and grim sound just fall down onto us. Looking for funeral? You'll get it immediately. Probably, Inter Arbores show the Orthodox Christianity in its true face: total awkwardness, grief, the sense of despair and insignificance of human, hopelessness and no way to exit. If the musicians tried to achieve that, they did it successfully. Next featured band called Intalia have brought us an interesting and high quality piece of Doom in the best traditions of Draconian! Slow and unhurried atmosphere, like dying soul, was made with really good knowledge of a subject... Slow riffs, soft keyboard sketches, deepest growling and all this go over seven minutes... Musicians have a huge experience and composed that song in the best traditions of Doom Metal. Next track was presented by the Ukrainian band Autumnia, which made a furor in CIS-states Metal scene last year with their killer album and this track came from there! This is an absolutely masterpiece and quitessence of Doom Metal music without any doubts!!! Sorrowful, slowly and inevitable as the fate itself! No more words, just taste this! Arkanar, the band, which goes next, have presented a strange track, like their music in whole. I have to confess, I was not excited of their art, when listen to the full album and this song is not an exception. Started from interesting piece, the music started to bore more and more and I even can't express it, just didn't like it at all. Well, a few words about Tenochtitlan: this project is interesting by itself just because it's a virtual "horde", which was formed by different members of several Russian Doom bands. And second reason is the conceptual way. Perhaps, musicians getting inspired from the rich mythology and history of Indians. There is a bands name and special Folk elements into the music, which made the atmosphere unusual and attractive. But Sea Of Desperation, which song was determined next, gave me a little disappointment first, but after much detailed listening, I have to say, that the first opinion was wrong. A good track with Ascetic palette of used facilities brings an pleasantly music to the listener. Evoke thy lords really caused no feelings into my heart, despite of female vocals and flute... The music just so soft and light, I don't like such "positive" Doom and even growling could not save the situation, guitars and atmosphere something like snots. So, the same with Pharus, coming next... Nothing, that could be worthy of mentioning. Fortunately, next track "Undersoul" of Erg Noor was a pleasantly surprise! Unique song, full of different emotions! A must have for any doom related soul! Well, well, well, Tears Of Mankind... That project got my huge attention and the CD, where the track came from got the most warm wishes from me. That describes all. If you're a fan of early Anathema, listen and enjoy... And finally, the last track of a band called Kvazar might be described as a soft old school Doom, without strong Death Metal riffs and deepest growling. Not a good track with weeping vocal. I didn't like that track as previous, but must to notice: Kvazar is full of potential and maybe will strike soon. So, the final words are here: if you're interested in Russian Doom Metal scene, this compilation will help you touch the most interesting and promising acts from our huge area. Stay Doom!
V.A. - Lelahel Metal Vol.1 - The Total Sound Of The Underground
(Algeria, Lelahel Metal, 2004)

Here we have the first in a series of samplers from the small Algerian label Lelahel Metal. I was looking forward to hearing some interesting bands from Arabia, but unfortunately (for me at least), this compilation has only two, the rest of the bands being from your common or garden Western European countries.
Algerian Metallers Litham kick start off this compilation, with their distinctly ethnic brand of mid-paced Death Metal. The sound is deeper and less thrashy than on their album and, other than the crap production, bodes well for a future album. Kaoteon hail from Beirut in Lebanon, and impressed me with their well balanced, mid 90s Black Metal. They sound something like Dark Throne or early Mysticum but with better sound quality. Demolition, from Austria, live up to their name and offer some Heavy Neo-Thrash with a granite hard production; before we lurch into boring Dutch Death Metal from Mangled (I was never a fan of this style). Hell-Born sound as boring as always, before Cirith Gorgor save us from mediocrity with some frosty Black Metal riffing. Unoriginal but very enjoyable. Dead Emotions are a Hardcore/Thrash band with a heavy Sepultura influence, but they sound like they are here just to make up the numbers. Strangely named Italians Rain play fucking awful traditional Metal shite, which I hated, as do Moonstone. Less said about them the better. The other bands, such as Agabus, Horresco Referens, Wanhoop play boring Metalcore, before we move into more brutal territory with Patologicum, Sudden Death (both of which I enjoyed), Trepan'Dead, Darth (who are just asking for a support slot from Vader with that name!). Coverage are a strange choice to lump in with all these Death/Grind bands, but their weighty yet atmospheric Hardcore stands up well, before Supreme Lord finish the album off in an orgy of frenetic guitars and grinding blastbeats, in true Polish Death Metal style. A hit and miss affair, and I hope Lelahel will include more Arabic bands in the next edition as Litham and Kaoteon were far and away the best two bands on this CD.
V.A. - Unwrapping The Wound
(U.S.A., Sevared Records, Brutal Death/Grind, 2004)

"Unwrapping The Wound" is a compilation CD recorded under the banner of Sevared Records from U.S. last year 2004; all 17 bands presented here being involved in the Brutal Death or Grindcore area. As I can see all this combos have recorded in the near past some albums under the flag of Sevared Records.
As you can imagine, the sound of the entire material differs from band to band, because each of them have its own musical style and sound, but the recording quality isn't diminished by such minor impediment. I would like to mention here that Sanatorium probably is the most known band presented here. The Slovaks are present here with a song from "Goresoaked Reincarnation" album, recorded, as I mentioned above, on Sevared Records. Another known band is Putrefied, who's present here with no less than 3 songs. Artery Eruption is another combo who's present with more than a single track.
I was very impressed by the following bands: Disinterment, Disgorged, Cemetary, Mangled Atrocity, Strangulation and Extreme Violence. Many bands, although they play Brutal Death Metal, have inserted some technical Metal phases; an interesting skill having the best band recorded on this CD compilation, of course Sanatorium. Some other combos could be Severance, Mental Demise or Withered Earth; very interesting bands who'll probably become one of the best in the near future. The CD artwork is made by an U.S. designer called Leigh Odom, and if you want to visit his gallery you can use the following web address:
Finally I would like to emphasize all this bands, because they are really good. Also, I for my self, consider this extreme material one of the best CD compilations I ever heard until today, and I recommend it to each Death Metal fan from each corner of this known universe.
Vinterriket/Northaunt - "Vinterriket"/"Northaunt"
(Germany/Norway, Neodawn Productions, Dark Ambient, 2002)

This 2002 split 7" between two of the greatest artists coming from the Dark Ambient scene is for now a collector's item. Featured here are two songs for about 6 minutes and a half, each of good quality.
Side A features the "Am Brennenden Nördlichen Firmament" ("At The Burning Northern Firmament"), a neoclassical oriented song reminiscent of the premier Vinterriket sound which is to be found on the "...Gjennom Takete Skogen" demo tape from 2001, but a little bit more progressive. The melody is synthesizer based but with overtones of violin and piano almost similar to the sound that Burzum used on "Daudi Baldrs". Different moods are set in by this song that features some interesting variations, the best part may be coming a bit abrupt giving somehow a cut and paste feeling starts at about 4:28 of the song: Eerie bell sounds (not church bells but more like Mike Oldfield-like bells) followed by a good, tough repetitive melody, a good song but somehow too synthetic.
Side B features Northaunt with probably one of the coldest and serene pieces of Dark Ambient that I have ever come across. "Shadows Over Barren Land" is composed as a classical guitar Drone/Harsh electric guitar noise and a repetitive piano melody coming at first as a slow and contemplating piece, growing over and over until a monolith of noise is reached. A woman's cry and a whispering/shouting male voice is to be heard. This song is a must listen and is much colder that anything I heard coming from the Norse land.
As a conclusion this release is very hard to find now but if you will ever have a chance to run into it do not hesitate, it is indeed an audio/visual pleasure.
Virus/Kevlar Skin - "Specialized Human Robot"/"The Human Room"
(Australia/Spain, Life Fluid Productions, Death/Grind, 2004)

From the two bands that we have here Kevlar Skin surprised me in a pleasant way. Virus didn't succeed to impress me at all, there is just one song that can really attract my attention. "Specialised Human Robot" is mainly Brutal Death Metal combined, frequently with slow Metal phases but with some Core elements too. The vocals are in the usual tone for Death Metal but in my opinion they are made with the help of a computer! The lyrics are speaking about the band members visions of a decaying world in which the future is an uncertain one. On Kevlar Skin side the things are going much better. The Deathgrind played by the Spanish band being a very good one. We can hear interesting guttural tonalities, devastating drums, a very good bass guitar and some incredible guitar solos à la Obituary/Disincarnate, supplied with very sick guttural vocals, grave guitar lines, alienated drums and an incredible dangerous bass guitar. Kevlar Skin's high originality isn't a simulated one, the freshness of the interpretation and the modernism of the ideas making this band to be one of the incontestable leaders of the Spanish underground Metal scene. On the whole this material seems to be an interesting one, thanks to Kevlar Skin especially.